Detroit's DPM Maintenance and Control Facility
The Maintenance and Control Facility (MCF), a single building complex for the Detroit Downtown People Mover (DPM) system, incorporates the people mover system's transit vehicle...

Nine Years' Service with Deep Polymer Impregnation
A test installation of deep polymer impregnation was applied to a heavily traveled bridge deck in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1975. The deep polymer impregnation process involved drying...

Analysis of Cracking of I79 Bridge at Neville Island
A large crack was discovered to form in a girder of the I-79 Glenfield Bridge over the back channel of the Ohio River near Pittsburgh on January 28, 1977. A section of the girder containing...

Clearing the Decks
Cathodic protection, an electrical-chemical process that prevents corrosion of steel rebars on bridge decks, is rapidly gaining acceptance by highway engineers and state highway departments....

New Cables for Old
In an eingineering first, the main suspension cables will be replaced on New York City's Williamsburg Bridge without closing it to traffic at any time. According to the design...

Control of the Design Process
Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc. (G/C) was the architect-engineer for the original design of the Florida Power Corporation (FPC) Crystal River Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 (CR3) and has been involved...

Design Features of Salvajina Dam
Salvajina dam is the second highest concrete face rockfill dam currently in service in the world. The characteristics of the foundation of the toe slab vary from fresh, sound and little...

The Group Approach to Implementing Micro Systems
This paper highlights a nearly three year effort to implement microcomputer information systems on 16 small and medium sized transit properties in Wisconsin using a 'group...

Implementing a Maintenance Program in Wisconsin
A vehicle maintenance and parts inventory control microcomputer package was developed and implemented for thirteen small transit properties as a part of the Statewide Microcomputer Implementation...

Automated Maintenance at Mendocino Transit
The Mendocino Transit Authority has been using the Fleet Controller, a vehicle maintenance cost control micro-computer program, for nearly a year. This paper describes the set-up and daily...

On-Line Color Graphics for Demand-Responsive Scheduling
Scheduling and dispatching a fleet of vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for transportation to and from various points in an urban area can be a complex proposition. Human controllers...

Graphics-Based Transportation Modelling with DIME/GADS/NEDS
Graphics helps analysts, policy-makers and the public understand the inter-relationships of land use patterns and transportation systems. A suite of graphics-based programs provide a decision-support...

Long Range Element Update in Duluth, Minnesota
This paper discusses the use of microcomputer transportation planning software packages to update the Long Range Element of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Two...

Applications of Microcomputers for Bridge Design
This paper examines the role of microcomputers in the design divisions of state departments of transportation, specifically in bridge design applications. Consideration is given primarily...

Applying the Bus Garage Space Requirements Model
The Bus Garage Space Requirements Model (BBARN) is a computer-based model developed by the author to generate a detailed space program for an office/bus maintenance facility. BBARN provides...

Basic Freeway Section Design and Analysis
This paper presents the development and applications of an interactive, microcomputer-based program, FREWAY, for the design and performance evaluation of a basic freeway section with consideration...

Automated People Movers for Urban Revitalization and Development
The paper summarizes the major technologic features of Automated People Movers, (APM) including Personal Rapid Transit versus Group Rapid Transit concepts, active versus passive vehicles,...

The Practitioner's Approach to Infrastructure Master Planning: The State of the Art
Infrastructure master planning is still a disjointed practice, but recent empirical work provides a base from which coordinated efforts, tying together the various sectors, are possible....

Advances in Underground Pipeline Engineering
The field of underground pipeline engineering has undergone a rapid growth during the last two decades. The analysis, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of underground pipelines...

Vibration Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
This volume constitutes the Proceedings of a two-session Symposium whose main objective is to address geotechnical issues related to vibration problems other than those associated with...





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