Irrigation and Aquifer Management in Illinois
The ground-water resources in eastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois Counties, Illinois, have been used for irrigation for over 50 years. During the drought of 1988, 131 irrigation wells...
Modeling a Multiple Well Groundwater Supply System
The paper is concerned with the simulation of existing groundwater supply systems. This encompasses the delivery of the groundwater from the wells to the water treatment plant, including...
Groundwater Protection in New York State
Groundwater protection is implemented by a variety of governmental entities. At the state level, the Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and of Health (DOH) are the agencies...
Groundwater Protection?The Delaware Experience
Groundwater protection in the State of Delaware has been an evolving process requiring the planning, cooperation, and implementation of rules and regulations by several state and local...
Principles of Ground Water Strategy
The states are now preparing or adopting ground water strategies under EPA direction. State and federal initiatives are currently uncoordinated, and do not add up to a coherent program....
Modeling of Nitrate Transport Coupled Dentrification in the Saturated Zone
A numerical model for simulating nitrate transport coupled to microbial activity in the saturated zone is presented. A coupled system of equations describes the transport and microbial...
Drainage of Landfill Covers and Bottom Liners
This paper presents two new tools for preliminary evaluation of drainage-system designs. The first is a set of equations that define the saturated-depth profile for steady drainage over...
Approaches for Protecting Groundwater From Agricultural Threats
In general, major groundwater pollutants contributed from agricultural sources are nitrate-nitrogen from chemical and animal fertilizers and pesticides applied on farm products for pest,...
An Interactive Microcomputer Program for One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Saturated Soil-Water Systems
This paper presents a user-friendly microcomputer program for one-dimensional solute transport in saturated soil-water systems. Eight different types of adsorption isotherms, ranging from...
Ground Water Recharge and Use, Ventura County, California
For more than 60 years United Water Conservation District and its predecessor district have recharged seven ground water basins in Ventura County, California with more than 2,500,000 acre...
Response of a Surface Aquifer to Flood Irrigation
The response of an unconfined alluvial aquifer, and associated stream system, to recharge by flood irrigation in the New Fork River valley in western Wyoming was studied. A water budget...
Detention and Filtration?Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Rapid growth in the Austin metropolitan area kindled regualtions to protect the environment. Rigid enforcement of function-oriented guidelines and increased emphasis on productivity has...
Perspectives on Irrigation/Drainage Education and Training
The Task Committee on Water Resources Education and Training (TCWRE) was organized in 1985 for the purpose of conducting an opinion survey to assess the adequacy of current education and...
Potential Non-Traffic Benefits from a New Highway
The State of Delaware is now in the design/build phase of a major north-south relief highway. Expedient action included an Environmental Impact Statement adequate to show that the project...
Systems Approach for Irrigation Management of Complex Projects Involving Large Number of Farmers Under Severely Arid Regions
An Irrigation Management Information System (IMIS) was developed for complex irrigation projects involving a large number of farms under severely arid conditions. This system is a computer...
Pressure Relief Design Around Pumping Plants
Hydraulic transient protection for an irrigation pipeline pump station can include optimized operating procedures, or design of surge relief equipment such as surge relief valves, and...
The MSU Sprinkling Infiltrometer: A Device to Measure Time-to-Ponding
Time-to-ponding can be determined quickly and with minimal disturbance to the soil surface by the use of a sprinking infiltrometer developed at Michigan State University (MSU). Solenoid...
Chemigation Equipment for Protecting Water Quality
Concerns for protecting groundwater quality have brought forth some strict EPA regulations on equipment required for injecting pesticides into irrigation systems. These chemigation equipment...
Groundwater Loadings of Pesticides From Chemigation: A Gleams Model Simulation
This paper describes how, with slight modifications, the GLEAMS model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was used to represent chemigation for herbicides,...
Effective On-Farm Irrigation Scheduling in the Humid Southeast
An extension demonstration of a checkbook type irrigation scheduling system using a personal computer and spread sheet is described. The system incorporates typical crop water use curves,...
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