The Effect of UV Radiation on THM Formation in Drinking Waters
This study was undertaken to investigate the feasibility of using combined UV radiation/chlorination process in drinking water treatment for disinfection while producing lower concentrations...

Pre-Formed Aluminum Hydroxide as an Alternative to Alum for Coagulation
The objective of this research was to conduct a comparison study of the coagulants, alum and pre-formed aluminum hydroxide, for turbidity and color removals in water treatment. By examining...

Treatment Plant Modifications to Conserve Energy and Improve Performance
Creative funding along with thorough planning and design contributed to the successful energy conservation program at the Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, Salem, Oregon. By funding...

Application of the ASPEN System for Simulation of the Detroit Waste Water Treatment Plant
The objective of this study is to simulate the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant (DWWTP) using the Advanced System for Process Engineering (ASPEN). The primary treatment facility has...

Testing of a 5-Stage Modified Bardenpho? WWTP
The Eastern Service Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (ESA WWTF) is a 13.5-mgd advanced wastewater treatment facility employing biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes located...

Biological Phosphorus Removal Using a Fixed and Suspended Growth Combination: A First Year Appraisal
As an alternative to the activated sludge process for biological phosphorus removal, this paper discusses an alternative which avoids high costs of air supply and large suspended growth...

Microfiltration/Adsorption Technology for Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters: Pilot- and Full-Scale Studies
In this work the development and testing of wastewater treatment system using coagulation, microfiltration and carbon adsorption is described. Studies were conducted first on a bench or...

QSAR Based Expert System For Environmental Hazard Management
This study was done to investigate the feasibility of developing an Expert System for application in environmental hazard management and control. The specific objective of the study was...

Global Risk Assessment: A Naive Look at Initiating Processes
Global risk assessment is finding those initiating processes which may cause harm to Earth systems (and ultimately the human species), their probability of occurrence, and the level of...

Preacquisition Environmental Site Assessments: Avoiding Common Errors and Omissions
The 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) established an 'innocent-purchaser' defense to environmental liability from ownership of contaminated...

Decision Framework for Assessment of Leaking UST's
A computer-based environmental planning tool, designed to help mitigate the environmental problems associated with leaking underground storage tanks (UST) is presented in this article....

Hazardous Waste Impacts on the Highway Planning and Property Acquisition Process
Since the advent of increased public awareness concerning hazardous waste and the enactment of statutes governing these wastes, hazardous waste has become an important component impacting...

The Evolution of Sludge Thickening Practice
An analysis of contemporary thickening practice is presented with a brief review of the genesis of each type of thickening. A summary of thickening capital and operating costs for three...

Dewatering Municipal Sewage Sludges?Selecting a Process
A sequential review is made of key considerations in selecting an optimum dewatering process, including its simplicity of operation and performance capabilities. Selection criteria further...

Comparison of Centrifuge Performance on Oxygen Activated Sludge
This paper compares the performance of centrifuges processing high purity oxygen activated sludge with units processing conventional activated sludge. Comparisons are made both for thickening...

Improved Centrifuge Designs for High Cake Solids
The new generation of advanced centrifuges pioneered by Humboldt Wedag can readily produce 30 ? 2% TS cake on most raw and digested primary and waste activated sludge, wherein the primary...

Toxicity Reduction in Soil-Based Treatment System
With the introduction of environmental; regulations such as RCRA, HSWA, CERCLA and SARA, the treatment of hazardous wastes in soil-based systems is required to be protective of human health...

Composting as BDAT for Solvent (F Wastes) Contaminated Soils
The biological treatability of the contaminated soils at a former coating and resins facility was investigated in the laboratory using small scale composting reactors. The soil treatment...

Soil Water Content and Air Stripping
The efficiency of air stripping for removal of volatile hazardous contaminants from soils is influenced by the water content of the soil being decontaminated. Control of soil water may...

Validity of Electro-Osmosis for Soil Decontamination
The subject matter of this paper is electro-osmosis in fine grained soils. A simple instrument has been developed to simulate this phenomena in the laboratory. A series of experiments...





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