Design and Construction of Slow Sand Filters
The belief that large area requirements are necessary is based on old concepts and contemporary engineering designs that overstate area requirements. Large area requirements result from...

The Application of Risk Assessment at Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper discusses some of the recent innovative uses of risk assessment at hazardous waste sites. Important developments in both methodology and application are as follows: quantitative...

Risk Assessment for the Multiple Threat from Dioxin Analysis
In this paper, the author focuses on the integrated method of estimating the risks and the evaluation of the risk acceptability based on a systematic classification of all risks involved...

A Practical Approach for Evaluating Environmental Risk
Risk management and assessment techniques are increasingly being used to project public health risks at hazardous wastes sites. Few studies have quantitatively evaluated the environmental...

Risk Assessment for TCE and Related Chemicals Based on Multi-Component, Multi-Media Transport Models
Trichloroethylene (TCE) is known to undergo anaerobic transformation and produces daughter products including dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride which have been known as possible carcinogenic...

Radon Resistant New Construction Practices
This paper highlights the basic principles for building radon-resistant houses and it groups the construction techniques into four categories, i.e., the barrier approach, soil ventilation...

Estimating Soil Gas Flow Rates and Identifying Entry Routes in a Dwelling Using Multiple Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Passive monitoring of indoor air and below basement floor (subslab) soil gas for radon and perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) gas concentration was conducted to investigate the influence of...

Indoor Radon: Site Evaluation
The soil parameters most important in evaluating the indoor radon potential of a building site are the soil radium concentration, the soil-gas radon concentration and the permeability...

Pressure Differences Affecting Radon Entry in New Residential Construction
Various conditions in a house can commonly produce house negative pressures up to 20 Pascals relative to the soil gas pressure. Depressurization of the house relative to the soil gas will...

Cost of Radon Control Measures in New Construction
Installation of a radon prevention system in new construction increases costs to builders and to homebuyers as well. Builders and/or their engineers will need to assess different approaches...

Management of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills
Sanitary landfills remain the most common form of solid waste disposal in America. However, environmentalists are concerned about the degradation of ground water by leachate, which is...

Modeling of Gaseous Emission from Landfills and Other Area Sources
Several dispersion models based on the Gaussian equation are evaluated to assess their relative utility in modeling emission dispersion from an area source, such as a landfill. The VAPOR...

Mass Balance Analysis of Decomposed Refuse in Laboratory Scale Lysimeters
Decomposition of shredded municipal refuse was studied under laboratory conditions with leachate recycle and neutralization. Cellulose and hemicellulose accounted for 91% of the methane...

Development of a Sanitary Landfill Design in New Jersey?Why Proposed RCRA Changes are Not Going to Affect the Design
On August 24, 1988, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed substantial revisions to Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In most states the...

Instrumentation of Landfill Cover Liners: Moisture Transport Studies
Accurate estimation of the amount of water leaking through the cover liner, into the landfill, is vital for estimating the possible amount of leachate that can be generated into a landfill...

Ft. Huachuca, AZ Fire Site Hazardous Waste Remedial Action
The paper discusses an investigation of the site of a major fire at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. All of the fire debris contained asbestos. The sampling results confirmed that PCB levels of...

Closure of Hazardous Surface Impoundments and Creation of an On-site Permanent Disposal Facility?A Case History
Remington Arms Co. is currently undertaking a RCRA closure program for nine surface impoundments in Lonoke, Arkansas. The impoundments contain a variety of listed hazardous wastes from...

Disinfection Aid?An Innovation in the Chlorination of Wastewaters
A modification to the disinfection process, termed the 'disinfection aid process' for wastewater effluents has been investigated. The addition of a second chemical,...

Comparison of Preozonation and Prechlorination in the Treatment of Several Raw Water Supplies
Bench scale testing of 18 raw water supplies from various locations throughout the eastern United States was conducted to evaluate their susceptibility to ozonation, and to compare preozonation/conventional...

Technical Evaluation of a Copper:Silver Ion Swimming Pool Disinfection Unit
The paper reports on an investigation of a mock swimming pool setup on a laboratory scale. The study used indoor and outdoor simulated swimming pools to compare the efficacy of electrolytically...





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