Water Management by Endangered Species
In California, water management decisions are being driven by endangered species considerations. Traditional project formulation and operational criteria seemingly are unimportant. The...

Innovation and Diversification?The Key to our Future Water Supply
Water resources management must modernize, innovate, and diversify to meet the challenges of tomorrow: reliable water supply sources of acceptable quality, a cost-effective approach to...

Local Agency Regulation: The Policies and Process of Surface Water Protection
King County, Washington, adopted a Surface Water Design Manual in January 1990. This manual, which has served as a resource guide in developing similar manuals throughout the Pacific Northwest...

Ag-To-Urban Water Transfer in California: Win-Win Solutions
Water transfers from farms to the cities are widely viewed as the next major source of supply to urban California. Ag-to-Urban permanent water transfers may have negative consequences...

Water Supply Systems Planning with Water Transfers
This study examines the recent use of water transfers in California, particularly during the current drought. The emphasis is on how planners and operators of federal, state, and local...

Water Allocation: Matching Supply with Demand
The Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project was designed in the 1930's as a supplemental water supply for water users in northeastern Colorado. Since that time the water allocation has shifted...

The Once and Future ASCE Model Water Allocation Law
The Water Resources Planning and Management Division during its two decade history has been concerned about water rights allocation and transfer law. It established a Water Laws Committee...

From Riparianism to Water-Use Permitting: Issues Confronting State Government
Many of the original riparian-doctrine states have replaced the common-law allocation approach with administrative water-use permitting, and other states will likely take similar action...

Instream Flows According to the ASCE Model State Water Code
The ASCE Model Water Code provides two mechanisms for protecting instream uses of water: reservations and water management areas. Implementation might be difficult unless the relation...

Water Marketing in Washington?The Next Step?
The state of Washington has been blessed with an abundance of water resources for its use, including the Columbia and Snake rivers, but with the listing of the Snake River Sockeye Salmon...

Collection System Inspection and Rehabilitation Program
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago is a regional wastewater and water resources agency responsible for serving an area of about 875 square miles. Recently the...

Estimating Maintenance Cost of Existing Stormwater Retention Ponds
The 280-acre Kensington Business Park includes 11 stormwater retention ponds that were also designed to provide aesthetic enhancement. Maintenance of these ponds became a concern when...

Wynoochee Lake and Dam?Flood Storage Reevaluation Study
With the desire to increase the revenue generating potential of the Wynoochee Lake and Dam Project the cities of Tacoma and Aberdeen, Washington, have pursued the potential for retro-fitting...

Real-Time Water-Control System for the Trinity River, Texas
To provide information for improved flood prevention and control in the Trinity river basin in Texas, we developed a real-time water-control system that (1) retrieves rainfall and streamflow...

A Derived Flood Frequency Distribution for Ungaged Catchments
Flood frequency distribution for ungaged catchments are described in the article. The various parameters that effect the flood frequency distribution are describes. Influence of the climate...

Global Approaches for the Nonconvex Optimization of Pipe Networks
Because the pipe network problem is nonconvex, two global search schemes, MULTISTART and ANNEALING, are employed to permit a local optimum seeking method to migrate among various local...

Pipe Network Optimisation Using Genetic Algorithms
A new optimization technique of generic algorithms has recently been successfully applied to pipe network optimization. In this paper a parametric analysis is carried out of the genetic...

Alternative Designs for Permanent Protection of the San Luis Rey River Aqueduct Crossings
The San Diego County water Authority was organized to provide an imported supply of water to the San Diego region. The sole source of the water to the Authority is Metropolitan Water District...

Optimal Rehabilitation Model for Water Distribution Systems
The objective of this paper is to describe a new methodology which can select the pipes to be rehabilitated and/or replaced in an existing water distribution system and determine how much...

Non Contact, Remote Sensing of Buried Water Pipeline Leaks Using Infrared Thermography
Subsurface water pipelines, sewer and buried utilities throughout America and the rest of the world range in age from hundreds of years old to brand new. They all have, however, one fact...





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