CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...

Critical Issues in Highway Engineering Education
The four critical issues addressed are: Recruitment/retention of faculty; Deteriorating laboratory equipment; Undergraduate student enrollment-quantity and quality and Graduate student...

Graduate Education and Highway Research Needs in the 21st Century
A number of significant challenges face highway engineers in the 21st Century. Large growths in traffic volumes and alarming increases in congestion are already problems in many of our...

Promoting Career Opportunities in Highway Engineering
The shortage of transportation professionals is an issue which is receiving increased attention by the engineering profession. Recent civil engineering enrollment statistics compiled by...

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the 21st Century
The future of Portland Cement Concrete Paving in the 21st Century holds vast challenges that we as industry must be ready to tackle head on. Looking ahead, we see an even more vital role...

National Workshop on Highway Research: A Summary
This paper is a summary of national workshop on highway research. Traffic is expected to increase in the future, worsening an already critical urban congestion problem. What are needed...

Applied Research and Highway Innovation
Applied research on a variety of highway problems is carried out under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. This program has been successful in producing results used by...

Western Consortium on Advanced Highway Technology
Establishment of a regional consortium of western states for purposes of defining long-term objectives and making common cause in the development of advanced highway technology was undertaken...

Preparations for the Future?The European Highway Community
The need for infrastructural capacity in the future in Europe has been investigated by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport - ECMT. The principal traffic considered was international...

Engineering 21st Century Highways
The conference on Engineering 21st Century Highways focuses on the needs or highway transportation in the 21st century and explores near term decisions and activities required in the next...

Effects on Infrastructure
Effects on the transportation and communications infrastructure due to the earthquakes of September 19 and 20 are described and analyzed. It can be concluded that these effects were actually...

Summary of the Effects of the 1985 Mexico Earthquake to Power and Industrial Facilities
A major industrial area and two power plants are near the epicenter of the Magnitude 8. 1 Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985. All investigated facilities are modern, generally well...

Environmental Impacts of Arctic Marine Transportation: Addressing the Issues through Research and the Provision of Advice
The prospect of numerous transits of the Canadian Northwest Passage and other northern waters by icebreaking tankers raises various environmental issues. This paper reviews the growth...

Safety Improvement Planning of Port and Harbour Facilities Considering Captains' Refuge Action Criteria
Since the Jane Typhoon in 1950, which induced much damages on port and harbour facilities and the ships in the ports, it has been a custom in Japan that the large-sized ships take refuge...

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

Hurricane Induced Changes in Apalachicola Bay, Fla.
Immediately prior to a hurricane a detailed study had just been completed that included description and analysis of the bay's bottom sediments and its bathymetry. A similarly...

Pass a Loutre Freshwater Diversions: Marsh Building in the Mississippi River Delta
Concern about the rapid loss of wetlands within the Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area located at the mouth of the Mississippi River has resulted in implementation of the Pass a Loutre...

Port of Eastport, Maine: A Growing Breakbulk Cargo Port (abstract)
The Port of Eastport accommodated over 90,000 tons of international waterborne trade in 1986. In 1980, this trade-related port operation was non-existent. A Cargo Facility Economic and...

Nourishment of San Luis Beach, Galveston Island, TX
It has been proposed that one way of stopping shoreline retreat and protecting the foot of the Galveston Seawall is to nourish the complete length of the beach in front of the Seawall....

Quantification of Net Shore-Drift Rates in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca
The objective in this study was to determine the annual rate of net shore-drift at selected sites within Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. These sites were selected based on...





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