Stabilization of West Coast Sand Dunes
Control of dune activity and the introduction of European beachgrass have generated far-reaching effects on the West Coast landscape. Between 1900 and 1935, a series of small sand stabilization...

Foredune Management on a Developed Shoreline: Nedonna Beach, Oregon
Nedonna Beach and Rockaway Beach are adjoining oceanfront communities with foredunes that were developed before state policies went into effect. The foredunes in these two communities...

Cause and Elimination of the Deflation Zones Along the Atlantic City (New Jersey) Shoreline
After recent construction of several large hotels and apartment buildings directly fronting the Atlantic City boardwalk, large blowouts were observed to occur during the winter season...

Beach Replenishment: The National Solution?
The records of more than 90 replenished beaches and more than 200 sand-pumping operations on East Coast barrier island shorelines, while fragmentary, reveal a wide range of experiences,...

Parameters Controlling the Success of Dune Revegetation at King Salmon, California
An eroded 9. 3 ha (23 acre) sand spit was restored through jetty construction and fill (using dredge spoils) by the Corps of Engineers at King Salmon on Humboldt Bay, California. An experimental...

Identifying DepositionalAreas in Puget Sound
Depositional areas where fine sediments accumulate have been located through low-cost sediment studies instead of more costly current meter and settling trap measurements. Over 200 samples...

Natural Stabilization of an Eroded Permafrost Site
The paper referred to in this abstract discusses the erosional processes during and after the initial failure, proposed solutions to repair and stabilize the site, and details of the performance...

Evaluation of Sand-Filled Containers for Beach Erosion Control: an Update of the Technology
The use of large, sand-filled geotextile containers for coastal erosion protection has increased along Florida's ocean shorelines over the past five years. Technological advances...

Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds: Issues, Resources, and Management (abstract)
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound complex, located in northeastern North Carolina, is the third largest estuarine complex in North America and the second largest in area in the United States....

Barrier Beach Management: The Long Island Experience
Barrier beaches are intrinsically unstable but are used for a variety of human activities ranging from recreational to commercial use. This type of land use often leads to the demand for...

Bulkhead Instability in Soft Soil
This paper presents a case study involving the severe disturbance of the subsurface soils in front of an existing bulkhead caused by the berthing of a jack-up type, offshore drilling vessel....

Ocean Erosion Control for the Private Sector
The paper describes some procedures of design and construction of riprap type protective structures to contain ocean erosion and to provide an end product that both gives protection and...

Nearshore Sand Sources for American Samoa: An Alternative to Using Beach Sand
Using a combination of geophysical techniques, in situ observations, and sampling by scuba divers, we investigated along the south shore of Tutuila Island, American Samoa, for nearshore...

Coastal and Marine Resource Management Prospects in Somalia
The main coastal resource management issues in Somalia are centered in the terrestrial component of the coastal zone. There are no significant problems of marine pollution or the overexploitation...

Sand Rights, a Legal System to Protect the Shores of the Sea
The legal system of water rights in California is highly developed. So far, however, it has failed to recognize in any comprehensive fashion the importance of the sand which is transported...

Earthen Liners for Land Disposal Facilities
Proper construction of compacted earthen liners requires special attention to construction details and quality assurance. Moisture content and weight of roller are probably the two most...

Design of Geosynthetic Systems for Waste Disposal
Geosynthetic materials (consisting of geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids and geocomposites) are currently being used in large amounts to contain solid wastes in landfills, surface impoundments...

Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity and its susceptibility to changes with time or exposure to chemicals are major factors in selection of clay for use in waste containment barriers. Available concepts...

Design and Performance of Earth-Lined Containment Systems
Engineers have been designing and constructing earthen containment structures for many tens of years. These structures have historically been embankment dams, petroleum storage impoundments,...

Ion Transfer by Diffusion Through Clayey Barriers
The practical aspects of pollutant migration by diffusion through clayey barriers is presented. The discussion is generally restricted to soils of pH approximately equals 8 which contain...





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