Lessons Learned Implementing the Minimum Technology Guidance for Landfills
The 'Minimum Technology Guidance on Double Liner Systems for Landfills and Surface Impoundments' issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in May 1985...

Clay Liner Hydraulic Conductivity: Comparison of Field & Laboratory Tests
Clay liner hydraulic conductivities at three hazardous waste landfill cells in Oklahoma and Utah were measured in the laboratory and in the field during construction. Prior to construction...

Mixing and Polymer Performance in Sludge Dewatering
A biofilm reactor, termed the support-aerated biofilm (SAB), was developed in which oxygen was supplied to the interior of the biofilm through a permeable membrane. The reactor was tested...

Leaching Characteristics of Metal Finishing Sludges
The purpose of this research was to study the feasibility of biodegrading phenolics to methane by thermophilic anaerobic treatment. The study was a feasibility level assessment which examined...

Heat Treatment and Low Pressure Oxidation Systems
A study was performed to identify problems and to document solutions in the design, operation, and maintenance of heat treatment and low pressure oxidation systems for conditioning sludge...

Assessment of Analytical Techniques for Monitoring Petroleum Waste Land Treatment Systems
Optimization of wastewater land treatment effectiveness requires current knowledge of the microbiological ecosystem. Environmental parameters must be measured if they are to be adjusted...

Health Effects,Risk Assessment and Guidance for Indoor Radon
Unlike many inorganic elements, radionuclides have no nutritional value. Radionuclides are carcinogenic and uranium is also known to be non-carcinogenic as well. This paper is primarily...

Agricultural Drainage Water Treatment?Are Toxic Elements Useful?
The problems pertaining to disposing of agricultural drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley are explained. Details are presented on a pilot plant which is pretreating the drainage water...

A GIS to Predict Non-Point Source Pollution Potential
The non-point pollution potential of agricultural lands was analyzed using a geographic, computer based system. Bacterial pollution received special emphasis. The system accepts digitally...

Gully Incision Prediction on Reclaimed Slopes
An investigation was conducted to estimate the potential of gully intrusion into reclaimed waste impoundments. A series of eight reclaimed impoundments exhibiting gully intrusions were...

Behavior of Sediment-Laden Plumes on Steep Slopes
The near field behavior of dense, sediment-laden flows on steep slopes was investigated as part of a study of mine tailings disposal. A literature review indicated that field and laboratory...

Stochastic Design of Wastewater Storage Ponds
The authors combine the principle of mass conservation with basic ideas from probability theory and then apply Monte Carlo simulation techniques to develop a family of design charts called...

The Rx for Relief from Equipment Failure
A predictive maintenance program was developed for a treatment plant with a large number of pieces of critical mechanical equipment. Using an inexpensive, portable vibration meter, data...

Remedial Action Alternatives for Groundwater Contamination
Preliminary remedial action alternatives are formulated for a site contaminated by heavy metals. The results of soils and hydrogeologic investigations are summarized and three corrective...

Liquid Waste Pollution from a Sugar Cane Industry
The water pollution survey as performed in this study, indicates that all liquid wastes from the mill are segregated. The chemical waste sewerage systems supposedly conveys these wastes...

Evaluation of Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Systems
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate factors affecting the optimum operations of coagulation-flocculation and filtration processes in municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse. Special...

Reusing Treated Wastewater for Irrigation of Raw-Eaten Vegetable Crops in Monterey County, California
The demonstration project was entitled the Monterey Wastewater Reclamation Study for Agriculture (MWRSA). It was principally a field trial study of the feasibility of irrigating food crops...

Remote Sensing Applications in the Model of Runoff Formation in Excess of Storage
The model of runoff formation in excess of storage applied in some humid regions of China is revised in this paper, so that the model can adopt the information provided by Landsat remote...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from groundwater. The City...

Selecting a Stormwater Service Level for Urban Control
Recently, more and more emphasis is being placed on the maintenance of pre- and post-development runoff peaks from a specified design storm. The limit on post-development flood peaks requires...





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