Extent of Ground Water Contamination in the U.S.: An Overview
The contamination of ground water may result from all aspects of human activities: agriculture, industry, transportation, domestic wastes and resource exploitation. The contamination due...

The Delineation and Management of Wellhead Protection Areas
The delineation and protection of a management zone around specific wells or wellfields will undoubtedly become more common as the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act are implemented...

The Unesco-Lesser Antilles Coastal Zone Management and Beach Stability Program
The aim of this program is to develop internal capabilities to conserve and manage beach and nearshore resources. The program covered six islands, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica,...

Maritime Planning in New Zealand
This paper discusses maritime planning in New Zealand. After giving some background information, it deals with the statutory basis of such planning. It then looks at the Auckland experience,...

The Canadian Experience with Coastal Zone Management
The concept of coastal zone management (CZM) emerged in Canada as a recognizable entity over 15 years ago. Today, the original goal of a national CZM program in Canada is generally considered...

A Coastal Zone Management Strategy for the Sultanate of Oman
As a further response to the pressures of development, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has contracted the International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)...

Restoring Chesapeake Bay Living Resources
Following nearly ten years of study and analysis of the degraded Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, a new emphasis has emerged in 1986 - linkage of water quality to living resource problems, with...

Estuarine Management?The Indian River Lagoon
Estuarine systems have become recognized and valued for their economic, recreational and aesthetic appeal. There has been a concerted effort on national, regional, state and local levels...

Estuarine Rehabilitation?A Management Perspective
This paper discusses a proposed methodology consistent with proven management techniques that is derived, in part, by a critical analysis of currently published techniques and approaches....

Coastal Project Solution, Conservancy-Style
During the past decade, the California State Coastal Conservancy has evolved a successful approach to resolving coastal land use conflicts through its many coastal projects. This non-regulatory,...

A Successful Merging of Scientific Research and Public Participation
This paper describes the on-going programs at the US Army Corps of Engineers' San Francisco Bay-Delta Model and Visitor Center that aim to broaden the general public's...

Restoration of Fisheries Habitat: A Legislative Proposal
There are numerous federal, state, and local laws related to the conservation of coastal habitats. Nevertheless, these valuable resources continue to be degraded and destroyed. One result...

Federal Consistency: Facts and Fantasies
The federal consistency provisions at Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (the CZMA, Pub. Law 92-583, as amended) require, in general, that federal agencies act in a...

Secretary of Interior v. California
The issue of whether Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lease sales were subject to consistency review under section 307(c) (1) of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was the focus of litigation...

Federalism and Federal Consistency: The State Perspective
Since 1972, an effective federal-state partnership has been operating to manage our nation's coastal resources under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). But the federal...

International Strategies for Coastal and Marine Management in the Gulf of Maine
Now that the international maritime boundary dispute between Canada and the United States has been delineated by the International Court of Justice, it is appropriate to consider how the...

The Gulf Initiative
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IV, has proposed a program, the Gulf Initiative, to better manage the natural resources within the Gulf of Mexico. As an initial...

Estuarine Quality Use and Public Perception
Coastal environmental quality is determined on the basis of a relatively small number of biochemical and physical parameters which may bear little relation to the intended use of the water....

Methods of Achiving Cooperation in Estuary Management: The Fraser River Estuary Case
Management of estuaries is often fragmented, especially for estuaries located in major urban areas. Each estuary resource (fish, water supply, port sites) is managed by one or more government...

Ocean Dumping at Akutan: Impact of Policy on Decisions
The role of policy in management decisions is often overlooked by the general public during the decision-making process because of the public's greater interest in the environmental...





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