Effective Mitigation of Air Emissions from OCS Sources
Unmitigated, platforms and associated facilities in the OCS typically emit large quantities of air pollution from power generation, drilling, transportation and other activities related...

Design Guidance for Nearshore Berm Construction
Construction of nearshore berms has been gaining acceptance as a cost effective beneficial use of dredged material. This paper presents a systematic methodology for design and evaluation...

A Systematic Analysis of Disposal Site Stability
This paper describes a systematic methodology for predicting the stability of dredged material disposal sites over long periods of time, ranging from months to years. The approach is based...

Analysis of Transport Processes on Ocean Disposal Mound
Disposal site 'F', an ocean disposal site for dredged sediments from Coos Bay, Oregon was designed to be a dispersive site. The site has not demonstrated high...

Beach Nourishment Episodes at the Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey, USA: A Preliminary Comparison
A chronic erosion problem at Sandy Hook resulted in two major beach nourishment operations during the 1980's, employing material dredged from nearby navigation channels. Grain...

Topographic Responses to the Construction of Large Port Structures on Oarai Coast
Large offshore breakwater and groins have been constructed at Oarai Port, Japan. As a result, the coast experienced significant topographic changes. In this paper, the responses of the...

Integrated Waste Management at the Weldon Spring, Missouri Site Remedial Action Project
The diversity of contaminants and contaminated media at the Weldon Spring, Missouri CERCLA site, located about 30 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, necessitates the formulation of integrated...

Remedial Planning for the Former EXPO 86 Site
This paper describes the site characterization and remedial action planning effort that is being undertaken at the former EXPO 86 site in downtown Vancouver, B.C. The 200 acre site on...

Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection
The normal primary objective of Superfund site remediation is the control of hazardous chemicals so that they do not represent a significant threat to public health and the environment...

Development of Effective Remediation Criteria
Clean-up criteria for remediation of hazardous waste sites take several forms. These vary from simple sensory parameters, e.g., visual evidence of contamination to specific numerical criteria...

Performance Analysis of Remedial Alternatives
This paper demonstrates how remedial action alternatives for a Superfund site can be evaluated using a health-risk basis. The case history for this demonstration is a Feasibility Study...

Construction Management at Sikes Superfund Site
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) is providing Construction Management services on the Sikes Superfund site. The project involves constructing an incinerator on-site and incinerating...

The Observational Approach in Environmental Restoration
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has committed to completing environmental restoration of its facilities within the next 28 years (DOE 1990). To achieve this, DOE must ensure that its...

In Situ Remediation of Hazardous Wastes
Numerous releases of hazardous substances have occurred at uncontrolled sites all around the United States. These sites pose toxic threats to public health and our environment, and potential...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

Environmental Protection, Resource Allocation and CERCLA: A Practitioners Perspective
In accepting Superfund's mandate of protection of human health and the environment in a timely manner, critics often overlook, the limited human, technical and material resources...

California Standards for Characterizing Contamination and Assessing Risk from Hazardous Waste Sites
The Toxic Substances Control Program (TSCP) of the Department of Health Services is responsible for managing California's hazardous waste program. A primary goal of TSCP is...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1991
The proceedings of the second annual international conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 28 - May 3, 1991, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the...

Unit Pricing and Unbalanced Bids
Unit price contracts were meant to provide a simple and equitable way to pay contractors. However, to offset the uncertainties inherent in construction, contractors unbalance bid items....

Setting Standards in San Diego
Most engineering firms have developed specifications and standards that become the bible for project-related design issues�and no two firms are the same. On complex, large-scale projects...





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