Infiltration Maintenance in Recharge Facilities of Orange County Water District
The Orange County Water District manages the Orange County ground water basin in western Orange County. In the first 25 years of operation, the District made exclusive use of the Santa...

Ground Water Basin Management and Artificial Recharge
In Coachella Valley, California, where rainfall averages only 3 inches annually, approximately 80,000 acres of crop land and 65 golf courses provide winter recreation and winter fruits...

City of Bakersfield 2800-Acre Ground Water Recharge Project
The City of Bakersfield situated on the Kern River in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California acquired many of the rights to the Kern River flows. The City has developed a 2800-acre...

Barge Bottleneck Uncorked
Construction of the replacement Lock & Dam 26, on Mississippi River at Alton, Ill. near St. Louis, is described. The $1 billion job, programmed to be built over the period 1979-91,...

Control of Groundwater Contamination: Case Studies
Engineered solutions to groundwater contamination problems are being proposed at many hazardous waste sites, yet the effectiveness and long-term reliability of many of these proposed solutions...

Optimal Process of the Development of the Residential Area on the Coastal Zone
The concentration of population and assets through various types of development in the coastal zone in Japan is progressing rapidly at present. The conditions of the sea environment are...

Strategies to Protect the Apalachicola Estuary
The Apalachicola River basin and estuary lie in northwest Florida, and are unique and productive resources. In the early 1970s the ecological integrity of the basin was threatened on several...

Translating Science for Coastal Decisionmaking
A uniform process of technical information assembly and application has been conducted for six major estuarine systems in Florida. Since 1976, local and regional coastal resource decisions...

Estuarine Management?The Indian River Lagoon
Estuarine systems have become recognized and valued for their economic, recreational and aesthetic appeal. There has been a concerted effort on national, regional, state and local levels...

The Policy Roots of Louisiana's Land Loss Crisis
Louisiana is currently losing approximately 155 square kilometers of highly productive wetlands to the Gulf of Mexico each year and the rate is accelerating. The physical cause of the...

Restoring the Redwood Creek Estuary
During the mid-1960's, construction of a flood control project drastically altered the lower 5. 1 kilometers of Redwood Creek, impairing the physical and biological functioning...

Pass a Loutre Freshwater Diversions: Marsh Building in the Mississippi River Delta
Concern about the rapid loss of wetlands within the Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area located at the mouth of the Mississippi River has resulted in implementation of the Pass a Loutre...

Methods of Achiving Cooperation in Estuary Management: The Fraser River Estuary Case
Management of estuaries is often fragmented, especially for estuaries located in major urban areas. Each estuary resource (fish, water supply, port sites) is managed by one or more government...

Freshwater Inflow Requirements of a Texas Estuary
The objective of this study is to estimate the amount and scheduling of freshwater inflows required to maintain fishery productivity, especially shrimp, in Matagorda Bay, Texas. To estimate...

Response of Maryland Streams to Agricultural Drainage
An agricultural ditching and channelization project has been proposed for the Eastern shore of Maryland. The Upper Chester River Watershed Plan will involve up to 708 kilometers of ditching...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound System
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound system is the second largest estuarine system in the United States in areal extent, and the fourth largest in volume. Moreover, it is one of the most important...

Development Activities: Albemarle-Pamlico Sound Area
Paper briefly describes historical and emerging development activities in the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound area selected for study by a joint State/U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Task...

Environmental Problems of the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound System
The Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine system is the second largest estuarine area in the United States. This system consists of 2 large coastal lagoons (Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds) with their...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study
The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study was formulated on the deep need to preserve the long-term productivity of a unique and complex estuarine system. As the traditional way of life in...

Wetland Enhancement Near Columbia River Mile 68
The May 18, 1980 and subsequent eruptions of the Mt. St. Helen's volcano, and consequential ashy river sedimentation have caused major changes to a wetland adjacent to Carrolls...





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