First U.S. Carrousel Racetrack Sewage Plant: simple, economical, excellent removeal.
Campbellsville, Kentucky will be the first community in the U.S. to use a promising new sewage treatment process�� the so-called Carrousel process. The process uses turbine aerators both...

Honolulu Sewage Plant Pioneers Advanced Primary Treatment, Has Deepest Ocean Outfall
Honolulu recently started up a new sewage treatment plant that brings a new twist to decades-old sewage-treatment technology: advanced primary treatment. Key to this primary treatment...

Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

Toxic Chemicals in New Jersey's Environment: Cancer Link�
New Jersey has one of the highest cancer rates in the United States. It is also second in manufacture of chemicals. How are toxic chemicals getting into the New Jersey environment�� its...

How New Jersey is Handling Its Hazardous Wastes
For many years, environmental agencies have paid little attention to how industry manages and disposes of its hazardous wastes. This has been especially true in New Jersey. As a result...

EPA Goes to BAT Against Toxic Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater discharged into municipal sanitary sewers can pass untreated through the treatment plant and into the receiving water. Some industrial wastes can also harm biological...

Environmental Problems and Products
Solving environment-related problems with certain products in case history format. Includes: Rebuilding a pelican's nest in Colorado, erosion control. Converting a garbage...

Environmental Engineering Research Needs
In June 1979 a National Science Foundation�ASCE workshop was convened to prepare a report suggesting top-priority research needs in civil engineering for the 1980s. The field was split...

Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Proceedings of a session held at the ASCE National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, October 16-20, 1978. Sponsored by the Research Council on Environmental Impact Analysis of the ASCE...

Environmental Engineering
The topics covered are: Wastewater reclamation in the western United States; Appropriate technology for the disposal of wastewater in rural areas; Management and reclamation of solid wastes;...

Tradition and Innovation in Water Use and Reclamation
Of all the arts of food production, none is older or more important than irrigation. Historical and archaeological findings show that irrigation played a major role in the development...

Simplified Water Treatment Plant Design
The building of succeeding generations of sophisticated water and waste water plants, usually containing complex and energy intensive equipment, has been one of the marks of technically...

Cost-Effective Use of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Ponds
Treatment ponds are a cost-effective alternative for municipal wastewater treatment. When compared to other secondary treatment alternatives, ponds are generally the least costly, require...

Land Treatment Systems and the Environment
This paper summarizes the results from several experiments using the rapid infiltration, overland flow and slow infiltration modes of land treatment....

Systems of Waste Water Management in Europe
The history of European waste water management is briefly reviewed. Legal aspects of waste water management are presented by examples from Germany and Switzerland. International agreements...

The Place of Land Treatment of Wastewater in Today's Society
Land treatment of sewage can be a viable alternative to secondary and/or tertiary in-plant treatment. Depending on local conditions, overland-flow, low-rate, or high-rate systems, or a...

European Water Treatment Practices�� Their Experience with Ozone
Today, more than 1100 water treatment plants worldwide use ozone for some purpose. In Europe, it is always regarded as a water-treatment technique and seldom simply as a disinfectant....

European Water Treatment Practices�� The Promise of Biological Activated Carbon
Bacterial growths occur in all granulated activated carbon columns. In fact, it is difficult to prevent such growths. The Germans now deliberately foster aerobic bacterial growth by providing...

EPA Proposes Far-Reaching Regulations for Reducing Synthetic Organics in Drinking Water
In late January, 1978, EPA proposed far-reaching regulations for reducing synthetic organic chemicals in drinking water, bringing about the most sweeping changes in the water-treatment...

The Story Behind the New Clean Water Act of 1977
The Clean Water Act of 1977 keeps intact the basic principles of the strong Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500) of 1972. Because of the shear magnitude of upgrading the nation's...





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