Urban Runoff and Water Quality Criteria
The significance of water quality impacts from urban runoff could be judged on the basis of existing water quality criteria developed to control continuous point source discharges. Wet-weather...

EPA's Perspective of Urban Nonpoint Sources
The overall goal of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) was to develop information that would help provide local decision makers, States, EPA, and other interested parties with...

Case Studies of Need-Based Quality-Quantity Control Projects
This paper briefly describes several nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control projects motivated largely by local need, not by government regulatory and funding programs. The case studies...

Modeling Human Error in Structural Design and Construction
Human error is recognized as the major cause of structural failure. Moreover, it may greatly exacerbate the damaging effect of other hazards, such as earthquakes. The objectives of this...

Recent Developments in Structural Optimization
This publication contains seven papers that emphasize the recent findings of mathematical formulations, numerical results, and algorithms in structural optimization. Among them, two deal...

Downtown Traffic Goes Down Under
Seattle's 1980 employment population of 124,000 is expected to jump to 150,000 by 1990. This will mean more commuter traffic and more mass transit coming into the city's...

Transit Tactics: Keeping Light Rail Moving
The Guadalupe Corridor Light Rail Transit project is a massive undertaking that will be built in segments from San Jose to Santa Clara, CA. The $372 million project involves numerous agencies...

Street Fares
An argument is made for imposing user fees to amass funds for repair and maintenance of local roads and streets. These infrastructure services have to compete for local general property...

A Profession Peers at Itself
An increasing number of firms are inviting their competitors to come in and survey the way they do business. Peer reviews cover all aspects of a firm's management, from record...

Construction Management
A State-of-the-Art Update
Construction Management (CM) is an anomaly of the tradition steeped construction industry. Consequently it has been surrounded by controversy. Now that its brief but rapid development...

Quality of Inspectors?In Search of Excellence
Assuring quality in construction has become a major challenge to the design/construction industry today. Attention to the issue has been a result of problems in the nuclear power industry...

Solutions for Pavement Rehabilitation Problems
Preservation of our nation's highways is the goal of highway civil engineers in the decades to come. The public travels on pavements and this important part of the system...

National Urban Transportation Planning Trends and Implications
This paper explores urban transportation planning, program, and policy trends of the 1980s. Legislative and regulatory changes are also addressed. Among the planning trends discussed are...

Managing the Highway System
There is a general feeling that increased emphasis on highway management is a promising approach to dealing with a series of apparent issues and trends: The inflating costs of substantial...

Microcomputers and Transportation: A Look Forward
Technical development in the microcomputer industry continues to accelerate. In the next few years changes in hardware and software will occur which will be at least as dramatic as those...

Parking Efficiency Through Shared Parking Concepts
Due to continuing demand for concentrated parking supply in our urban areas, developers and public agencies must devote a significant amount of their resources and energies to providing...

Development of the Houston Transitway System
The degradation of mobility in Houston, Texas has progressed to the critical stage. Future growth and the economic viability of the metropolitan region is in serious jeopardy unless major...

Improved Urban Traffic Flow Through Signal Re-timing?California Experience
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has initiated a new program to re-time all of the 20,000 interconnected traffic signals in the state, the first of its kind in the United States....

TPMs and Their Use: A Case Study
Transit performance measures (TPMs) are useful in identifying transit system deficiencies, which will provide management with opportunities for system modification and improvement. They...

Gatlinburg's Transportation Management Plan
A series of transportation recommendations developed for Gatlinburg, Tennessee and the impacts of these transportation system changes are documented. Problems and recommended solutions...





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