Rx for Dam Repair
Bernard asserts the growing importance of maintenance to extend the service life of dams as more and more of them reach or exceed their design lives. He describes renovations to Easton...

Foundation Treatment of Karstic Features Under TVA Dams
TVA has constructed many of its dams on limestone foundations. Some of these foundations have been highly weathered and required special treatment not only to ensure strength but to develop...

Clogging Study of Geotextile with Weathered Mudstone
This paper focuses on the combined use of fly ash and geotextiles as a solution for the typical engineering problem of weathered mudstone slopes encountered in Taiwan. In situ collapsed...

Reported Results from 600 Cloud Seeding Projects
The authors conclude that cloud seeding is an effective way of increasing precipitation when applied to the appropriate clouds and climate. Reported results from research projects show...

Colorado River Municipal Water District Weather Modification Program 1971-1986
The Colorado River Municipal Water District (CRMWD) has sponsored a rain enhancement program on summertime convective clouds in West Texas since 1971. Silver iodide is used for cloud base...

The Effect of Seeding on Convective Cells in West Texas
The effect on convective cells of randomized seeding for dynamic effects in the Southwest Cooperative Program is addressed. Analysis of three-dimensional, volume-scan, radar data using...

Oklahoma Southwest Cooperative Program?An Update
In an effort to meet present and future regional water needs, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and the Texas Water Commission (TWC), the Oklahoma effort has addressed three basic components:...

AgriMet?ET Phones Home?(Adaptation of Satellite Telemetry for Crop Water Use Modeling in the Pacific Northwest)
The development of a regional automatic agricultural weather station network in the Pacific Northwest (AgriMet) is enabling the site-specific calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) through...

Use of the Penman Equation in Inter-Mountain Valleys
H.L. Penman equation as well as the J.L. Monteith version of this equation were compared under the advective conditions of the Grand Valley of Colorado. The wind function in the general...

Collection, Quality Control and Dissemination of Weather Data for Irrigation and Other Operations in an Automated Setting
High technology has made it possible to completely automate the collection of weather data. Care must be taken in designing the automated system to generalize the software components thereby...

Irrigation Scheduling Using Voice Synthesis, the Next Logical Step
An irrigation management program sponsored by the Raft River Electric Cooperative in Malta, Idaho, provided directly measured soil moisture data to selected irrigators each week during...

The North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Program
For over a third of a century regions of North Dakota have conducted cloud seeding operations aimed at hail damage mitigation or rainfall enhancement. Cloud modification has become an...

Hydrologic Forecasting in the National Weather Service
A description of hydrologic forecasting procedures of the National Weather Service (NWS) is presented. Also included is a description of various hydrologic products produced by the NWS...

Reusing Water
The disaster wreaked by what experts are calling the worst drought to hit the U.S. in 50 years has underscored what forward thinkers have been saying: conservation, including water reuse,...

Weathering Steel: Industry's Stepchild
Improper location and poor detailing are two reasons why some weathering steel bridges are not living up to their early promise. That was the consensus reached during a July 1988 forum...

Stopping the Cracks
It is generally agreed that reinforced concrete in parking garages especially in the deicing salt environment is exposed to unusually hostile service conditions. Deterioration of reinforced...

Implementing a State PMS
Arizona State Pavement Management System (PMS) is described in this paper. Experience shows that many factors must be considered in deciding how to maintain a particular mile of the road...

Investigation of Excavatability in the Piedmont
The lateral and vertical variability of rock weathering in the Piedmont presents significant problems in evaluating the probable cost of excavation for deep basements, pipeline, road cuts,...

Pressure Injected Footings in Piedmont Profiles
Comparatively little has been published on the behavior of pressure injected footings in the Piedmont residual soils and weathered rocks. It is the purpose of this paper to describe some...

Design of Drilled Piers in the Atlantic Piedmont
The philosophy and methods of drilled pier foundation design in the Atlantic Piedmont are described. Consideration is also given to the unique characteristics of decomposed metamorphic...





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