Pipeline Research Needs
Pipeline Research Needs is the proceedings of a workshop organized by The Pipeline Research Committee, Pipeline Division, American Society...

Structural Design of Closure Structures for Local Flood Protection Projects
Technical Engineering and Design Guides, as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 21 This guide provides a framework for the structural...

Scandinavia's International Connection (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
The 7.8-km-long cable-stayed �resund Bridge, the centerpiece of the first road and rail link between Scandinavia and Europe, is the third and final link of the 15.8 km Oresund Link. The...

Degradation of Natural Building Stone
This proceedings, Degradation of Natural Building Stone represents an effort to collate the various disciplines working in the area of building...

Construction Safety Affected by Codes and Standards
These five papers present an insight into, and highlights of, some very recent design/construction standardization activities in the US, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Israel. New performance-type...

Bringing Low Flow to Eskimos
Engineers in Alaska initiated a program to bring potable water and wastewater service to a town of 500 Yup'ik Eskimos. This entailed building a 7.2 km boardwalk over permafrost...

The Right Tooele for the Job
Parker describes how the nation's largest chemical munitions destruction facility was designed and how it will operate. The U.S. Signed on to the Chemical Weapons Convention...

Weighing a New Hospital Against Health Risks?
In this Mead award-winning essay, the author sets up a hypothetical situation to portray an ethical dilemma. A fictitious firm is approached to design a badly needed hospital in a Third...

Manhole Inspection and Rehabilitation
Manhole structures are the principal means of access for collection system maintenance. Effective manhole inspection and rehabilitation are necessary to remove excessive manhole infiltration...

A Superfund site near Seattle was surrounded by a 2,200-ft-long soil-bentonite wall to keep contaminants from entering nearby water sources. An earlier remediation effort had failed to...

? for Roofs (Available only in Structural Engineering special issue)
A roof replacement project at a hospital in Huntsville, TX, has to be compatible with the existing structure to meet insurance requirements and withstand the hot summers. The replacement...

Making a Map of Public Health Hazards
Accurately deducing the long-term exposure of community members to health hazards has always been a challenge for engineers. In 1993, the town of Somers, Conn., discovered a residential...

Environmental Site Investigation Guidance Manual
This manual, Environmental Site Investigation, was prepared as a guidance on procedures for investigating and characterizing a site that may...

Intelligent Transportation Education
The comprehensive traffic surveillance study for the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) began in late September 1993. The project involved the study of available traffic management...

State of Delaware-Scour Evaluation Program
The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is evaluating the potential for scour at bridges which have a National Bridge Inventory (NBI)-Item 113 Code Rating of 6 (scour susceptible)....

Rock Riprap for Grade Control
Rock chutes (riprap channels on steep slopes) are used as grade control structures to safely conduct a water flow to a lower elevation. Common procedures used for design of rock riprap...

Risk Analysis of Drinking Water Treatment and Supply Facilities Handling Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Due to increasing public concern of risks from handling highly hazardous chemicals at various facilities, a number of state regulatory agencies, including the State of California, have...

Chandler Canal Fish Screen Facilities
Diversions from rivers must be protected from negative effects on migratory and non-migratory fish species. Diversions to canals often have to be screened to prevent removal and loss of...

Significance of Geologic Features on the Contaminant Migration from Landfill Sites
Contaminants (leachate) migration pathways in various media at hazardous waste and landfill sites are primarily defined by the local geologic features at such sites, namely:stratigraphy,...

Analysis of Exceptional Meteorological Conditions on July and August in Conakry
Conakry is a zone that receives more precipitation than other countries in West Africa. Sometimes the quantity is more than 4,000 mm per year. Strong rainfalls are observed between July...





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