Axial Capacity of Pressure-Injected Piles: A Cavity Expansion Model
The application of cavity expansion theory to the development of a mathematical model for predicting the ultimate axial capacity of pressure-injected piles in cohesionless soils is presented....

Response of Concrete Island Drilling System to Ice Impact Loading
The lateral stability and load/deformation characteristics of the Concrete Island Drilling System structure under ice impact loading conditions were studied. The 300-foot-square (91.5-meter...

Thoughts on the History and Current Practice of Foundation Engineering in North America
With the publication of 'Erdbaumechanik' in 1925, the behavior of soils was explained in terms of numerical physical properties and the principles of what became...

Interaction of Geology, Construction Practice and Foundation Design
The influence of geologic knowledge and construction practices on the geotechnical foundation design process has been assessed and summarized. Particular emphasis has been given to the...

The Role of Analytical Geomechanics in Foundation Engineering
The role of modern geotechnical analysis in foundation design is reviewed, and analysis methods are classified into three categories, depending on their level of sophistication. The benefits...

Impact of Litigation on Foundation Engineering in the United States
This paper presents a consulting engineer's perspective on the impact of litigation on foundation engineering practice in the United States. It consists primarily of the review...

Integration of Research Into Design Practice
A widely held perception is that research results flow from the research community along the paths of professional publication into the design offices, where they find practical application....

Chemically Induced Foundation Heave
The Kerr-McGee Electrolysis Plant in Henderson, Nevada has had recorded upward movements of portions of the building in excess of 18 inches. Contours of the measured heave indicate that...

Innovative Foundation Designs for Permafrost Conditions in the Arctic
This paper describes the engineering solution to restore the structural properties of permafrost at a site location in the Western Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay Field. Steel pile supports...

Reliability in Foundation Engineering Practice
The value and use of reliability concepts in foundation engineering practice are explored, with a focus on two complementary approaches. In the first, macroscopic and action-oriented,...

Management of Drumstick Barrier Islands
Three major problem areas exist on these barrier/inlet systems: 1) the updrift inlet which tends to migrate and erode the upland barrier, 2) the narrow, low and sediment-starved downdrift...

Patterns of Erosion Along the Atlantic Coast
Shoreline erosion data are needed in the implementation of recent legislation that authorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to provide advance insurance payments for the...

Backbarrier Beaches on a Developed Shoreline
The purpose of this paper is to identify the nature and magnitude of alterations to backbarrier environments on Island Beach Spit, NJ. This location was selected because it has different...

Barrier Beach Water Table Management
The solution to the water table elevation within a barrier beach, subject to the assumptions of a homogeneous and isotropic phreatic aquifer, is an ellipse with its long axis oriented...

Sand Accounting Methodology for Barrier Island Sediment Budget Analysis
A wide variety of theoretical and analytical techniques are used for estimating island budgets, but surveying has provided the most accurate means of evaluating change. To make comparisons...

Historical Shoreline Changes: A Comparison of Mean High Water and Vegetation Line Movement
A cooperative study produced historic mean high water shoreline change maps for the State of South Carolina. These maps have been used to calculate erosion rates for the entire developed...

Barrier Islands: Dynamic Coastal Landforms Requiring Complex Management Decisions
Barrier islands and spits are found along ten to twenty percent of the world's coastline, and are the predominant coastal landforms composing about eighty-five percent of...

Temporal and Spatial Variations in Shoreline Migration Rates, Metompkin Island, Virginia
Examination of historic shoreline position changes provides a mechanism for evaluating the influence of spatial and temporal variations in barrier island morphology on the long-term evolution...

Cross Shore Variations in Heavy Minerals in Beaches of the Barrier Dominated Southeast Atlantic Coast
Cross shore beach sample sets from 102 locations along the barrier dominated Atlantic coast from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, to Palm Beach, Florida were studied to determine if there were...

Sediment Transport Processes at Sandbridge, VA
Sandbridge Beach is a primarily residential community located along a 7 km reach of narrow barrier beach. Rates of erosion in this area historically have been high, reaching as much as...





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