Performance of a Large Ribbed Mat on Cohesive Soil
The performance of a 678-ft by 304-ft (207-m by 93-m) ribbed concrete mat was studied to provide improved soil input parameters for design. The mat was constructed on a low plasticity...
Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation on Granular Column in Weak Clay
Laboratory model tests results for the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow rectangular foundations supported by granular columns made in weak clay have been presented. In all cases, the...
Performance of Different Retention Systems in Similar Soils
Performance behaviour of three deep braced excavations in a similar soil profile, in the Chicago area is described. At each site, different bracing systems were utilized. Methods used...
Field Performance of a Soil Nail System in Loess
This paper presents data from measurements of a soil nail system constructed in loess soil in Pullman, Washington. The soil nail system is designed to retain a 39.2 ft (11.9 m) high excavation...
Interpretation of Instrumented Driven Steel Pipe Piles
This paper presents the results of a series of studies on the behavior of driven close-ended steel pipe piles. Extensive field explorations and geotechnical analyses have been carried...
Issues in Evaluating Combined Repeated Loading of Deep Foundations
The capacity and load/displacement response of deep foundations subjected to combined modes of repeated loading can be significantly different from the response under single (axial or...
Pile-Drilled Caisson Combination for Foundation of High Rise Building
The analysis and evaluation of several alternatives for foundations of a high rise office building is presented, which resulted in the selection of a combination of high capacity piles...
Statistical Analyses of Drilled Shaft and Embedded Pole Models
In recent years a significant effort has been made by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to develop new design models, to collect and summarize existing load test data and to...
Cost Effective Pile Foundation Supports Fast Track Paper Mill
This paper decribes the generalized subsurface conditions, pile evaluation and load test program, pile and piling contractor selection, production pile installation, and quality assurance...
Analysis of Drilled Shafts in a Deep Fill
A deep fill of varying thickness will settle with time and will also exhibit a horizontal component of movement. Drilled shafts that are installed in the fill to support a structure must...
Evaluation of a 50-Year Old Barge Dock on the Missouri River
The installation of a large crane on an existing barge dock on the Missouri River in Kansas City, Kansas required an evaluation of the dock system stability. The dock was constructed of...
Combination Drilled Shaft and Driven Pile Foundation for a High-Rise Building
A case history is presented which discusses the design and construction of a combination drilled shaft and driven pile foundation which supports a high-rise in San Francisco. Drilled piers,...
Performance of a Building Foundation Designed to Accommodate Large Settlements
The Eastern Airlines shuttle terminal at LaGuardia Airport in New York City is supported on spread footings founded in an incinerated refuse fill which overlies a deep deposit of slightly...
Special Bedrock Conditions and a Foundation Project in Greater Boston
In the greater Boston area the argillite bedrock and/or the overlying glacial till provide suitable support for a wide range of foundation systems, including high capacity end-bearing...
Long Term Performance of High Rise Mat Foundation
The vertical movement of the foundation soils for a multi-story high rise office tower was monitored during foundation excavation, tower construction and the 25-year in-service period...
Complex High-Rise Foundation Design and Construction
The substructure design and construction of a 60 story office tower in downtown Chicago is described. The presence of existing belled caissons on hardpan required use of filtered dewatering...
A New Combined Footing and Drilled Shaft Foundation Design
A conventional belled caisson foundation installation in glacial till to support a suburban Chicago 10-story office building was stopped when test caissons revealed excessive water-bearing...
Sensitivity Study of the Cyclic Axial Capacity of a Single Pile
Evaluation of the axial capacity of an offshore pile subjected to a severe North Sea storm is presented. Effects of using different degradation criteria, upper and lower bound interaction...
Design, Construction, and Load Testing of a High Capacity Caisson
This paper describes the large diameter caisson foundation for the upstream guidewall at the Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement) Project. The guidewall is supported on two rows of 6-foot...
Underwater Foundations for a Jack-up Barge
Innovative underwater foundations were developed to provide a solid base for the legs of a large jack-up barge needed by General Dynamics to transport heavy components from Quonset Point,...
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