Fracturing of Rock Using Expansive Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents
The theoretical principles of the action of expansive soundless chemical demolition agents are presented. The procedure for using these demolition agents are briefly outlined. Differences...
Rock Excavation with Microwaves: A Literature Review
Research on the use of microwaves for breaking rocks started in the late fifties. In this paper, the principles of microwave heating and the possible mechanisms responsible for the breaking...
Model Tests for Bearing Capacity of Vertically Reinforced Foundations in Sand
Laboratory model test results for the bearing capacity of strip foundation supported by a sand layer with semi-flexible vertical rod reinforcements have been presented. All test results...
Static Behavior of Piles in Cemented Calcareous Sands
A series of instrumented jacked model pile tests and another series of uninstrumented grouted model pile tests in a cemented calcareous sand were performed. The influence of pile installation...
Tangent Modulus of Piles Determined from Strain Data
When evaluating measurements of strain or telltale shortening of a pile subjected to loading test, precise knowledge of the 'elastic' modulus is necessary. By means of plotting and analyzing...
Load Transfer in Deep Foundations Under Repeated Axial Loading
An analysis is presented of changes in axial load transfer for deep foundations under repeated loading, compared with static uplift and compression loading. Existing load test data demonstrate...
Modelling of Displacement Piles in Sand Using a Pressure Chamber
This paper describes a method of modelling the driving and loading of piles in the laboratory that permits variations of significant parameters and maintains effective stresses at levels...
On the Critical Relative Displacement of Pile Shaft and Surrounding Soil
Model pile pull-out tests have been conducted to investigate the characteristics of the critical relative displacement at which the critical pile skin resistance is mobilized. Test results...
The Influence of Cyclic Loading on the Lateral Load Response of Groups of Piles
The effects of cyclic loading on the lateral response of closely spaced groups of piles has been widely considered to be a single pile phenomenon, related to gapping and scour around the...
Numerical Modeling of Interface Behavior for Drilled Shaft Foundations Under Generalized Loading
To evaluate soil-foundation interaction numerically, an isoparametric thin layer element is used within a 3-D, material nonlinear, general purpose geotechnical analysis system developed...
Investigation and Modeling of Soil-Structure Interface Properties
An investigation of some techniques suggested to reduce friction at the soil-structure interface, for example plastic sheet on sand, is presented, and a model proposed for characterizing...
Fact or Friction: A Review of Soil Response to a Laterally Moving Pile
A review of soil response around a laterally moving pile is presented and 'Winkler' spring soil modulus variations are discussed. Based on available theory, and...
Subgrade Models for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
Historical development of improvements to Winkler's spring subgrade model are traced. The improvements consist of various ways to provide shear coupling between the springs....
Beams on Elastic Foundations: A New Approach
Using the Vlasov model, Vallabhan and Das have developed an effective iterative technique to solve the beam-on-elastic-foundation problem where the soil is assumed to have a uniform thickness...
Settlement of Strip Foundations on Regularly Jointed Rock Masses
The analysis of a long, rigid strip foundation resting on the surface of a regularly jointed rock mass is presented. Two models of the overall rock mass are investigated; one in which...
A Geotechnical Analysis System with Applications for Drilled Shaft Foundations
The development and components of a geotechnical analysis system are described and illustrated for drilled shaft foundations. This finite element-based analysis system incorporates several...
Ultimate Capacity of Deep Foundation by a Rigid-Plastic Analysis
This paper is concerned with the determination of the axial ultimate capacity of a rigid pier on the basis of the theory of perfect plasticity. As an application of the upper bound theorem...
Settlement of Single Piles
This paper presents an application of a recently developed approach for computing the tip settlement of axially loaded single piles driven into compressible layered soil system. In this...
Numerical Analysis of Vertically Loaded Pile Groups
An approach is presented for the analysis of linear and nonlinear response of vertically loaded pile groups. The piles are modeled with finite elements, the pile-soil influence through...
CUFAD: A Computer Program for
A research effort within the electric utility industry has focused on unified design methods for axially loaded foundations for transmission line structures. This research has been made...
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