Tiered Sediment Quality Evaluations for Dredging Projects
Sediment and water quality are evaluated frequently for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE) dredging projects to assess potential biological effects, as required for compliance with environmental...

Marine Resource Management in the Java Sea
The pressures on the resources of the southern Java Sea along the north coast of Java are probably greater than anywhere else in the country, and some of the resources have certainly suffered...

Coastal and Marine Resource Management Prospects in Somalia
The main coastal resource management issues in Somalia are centered in the terrestrial component of the coastal zone. There are no significant problems of marine pollution or the overexploitation...

Coastal Zone Management Plan Development in Malaysia: Issues and Possible Sollutions
Over the last few decades Malaysia has undergone fairly rapid rates of economic growth, characterised by high level of resource exploitation, without due consideration given to the environmental...

Managing the Coastal Heritage of Australia
The concept of heritage spaces as a part of open-space systems has been evolving in Australia over the last 15 years. This paper overviews the main approaches that have been developed...

Utilization of Islands Off an Urban Waterfront: The Case of Singapore
The major oil refineries of Singapore are located on the Bukom and the Ayer Chawan groups of islands. Other southern islands have been exclusively developed for tourist and recreational...

Jean Lafitte's Real Legacy and Treasure
The Barataria Estuarine System is part of the Mississippi River which swept back and forth across Louisiana for thousands of years. Barataria Bay no longer receives the enrichment of the...

Judicial Review of Coastal Regulation
The paper discusses the impact of recent public access cases on the regulatory taking issue and on the long-term prognosis for public access and private rights along the California coast....

Coastal Dune Status and Management Conflicts, New South Wales, Australia
The University of Sydney/Soil Conservation Service dune management research project was initiated with the ultimate goal of developing a multiple-objective planning model to define the...

Hydrogeologic Investigations at a Superfund Site in Wisconsin
An estimated 10,000 drums of volatile organic wastes from a nearby manufacturing plant were dumped at a landfill site in southern Wisconsin. Chemicals released from these drums have contaminated...

Conversion of a Reservoir Into a Landfill Site
The Writer is acting as a geotechnical consultant during the conversion of a disused water reservoir into a landfill site for domestic and industrial refuse. The site developer had no...

Environmental Monitoring and Observations Before and During Excavation of a Landfill in Owatonna, Minnesota
A Minnesota landfill inactive since 1962 was excavated in 1985 to prepare the site for construction of a new waste water treatment plant. The excavation refuse was disposed of in nearby...

Energy Solutions Today for the Nineties
Optimal use of energy resources requires intelligent planning by all segments of society, especially the technical disciplines. Civil engineers play a key role in developing energy resources...

System Scheduling for Large Farming Operations
Irrigation scheduling uses evapotranspiration data to recommend the time and amount of the next irrigation on a field by field basis. System scheduling minimizes the cost of water deliveries...

The Urbanization of the Salt River Project
The Salt River Project (SRP) is one of the nation's oldest and most successful agricultural reclamation projects. Formed in 1902, its initial function was to manage the surface...

Remote Sensing of Estuaries and Tide-Dominated Coastal Processes
The recent appearance of low-cost microcomputers with user-friendly software for analyzing satellite imagery is including more estuarine investigators to use satellite data. High resolution...

Remote Sensing of Estuarine Dynamics Using the NOAA Polar-Orbiting Weather Satellites
The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard the NOAA-n series polar-orbiting weather satellites collects data that can be used to estimate surface water temperature and...

Satellites Monitor Eutrophication of Estuaries
In a study on eutrophication of estuaries, NOAA/AVHRR satellite data have been analyzed for the Changjiang River plume and the adjacent coastal areas. The different regimes identified...

Salinity Intrusion Predictions by Analytical Expressions
Salinity intrusion in estuaries has traditionally been predicted by use of physical models and more recently by numerical models. Analytic techniques have seen quite limited use because...

Salinity Intrusion in Louisiana Coastal Canals
Field data of the salinity intrusion in three Louisiana coastal canals were presented. In these canals, the mixing state can be categorized as, in general, well mixing at the Gulf side...





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