Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...

Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century
The theme for the conference was Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century. Many of the regions of the Country are experiencing water supply declines and/or increasing...

Distribution System Rehabilitation
Hackensack Water Company has had an on-going program of cleaning and lining its transmission mains to increase their capacity and lower its pumping costs. But by late 1986, the need to...

Renewing San Diego Pumping Station No. 64
Pump Station 64 has experienced a number of sewage overflows into Penasquitos Lagoon since 1979 (57 in total). The California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) issued a Cease...

Seismic Design Criteria for Foundations on Control Piles
Control piles have been widely used in Mexico City for underpinning buildings with excessive settlements caused by the consolidation of the soft clay deposits, and as a foundation solution...

Extent of Ground Water Contamination in the U.S.: An Overview
The contamination of ground water may result from all aspects of human activities: agriculture, industry, transportation, domestic wastes and resource exploitation. The contamination due...

Survey of Groundwater Contamination in Massachusetts
Public water supplies in Massachusetts have been contaminated or threatened from a number of sources. The purpose of this paper is to outline the nature of groundwater contamination and...

Technical Issues of Ground Water Data
Three fundamental issues to be considered in the design of ground water monitoring programs are 1) choice of parameters for characterizing contaminant sources, 2) determining the areal...

Managing Ground Water Data
Decisions concerning ground water protection and public health should be based on all relevant data, measured and analyzed with technically valid techniques. In areas where ground water...

Some Problems in the Engineering of Ground Water Cleanup
The problems facing engineers, often civil engineers, in addressing ground water contamination are both exotic and mundane, but all are critical to success. The paper provides a brief...

Restoring Chesapeake Bay Living Resources
Following nearly ten years of study and analysis of the degraded Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, a new emphasis has emerged in 1986 - linkage of water quality to living resource problems, with...

Maryland's Critical Area Program: Saving the Bay
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program (also referred to as the Critical Area Law, Subtitle 18 of the Natural Resources Article, Sections 8-1801 through...

Analysis of Institutional Policy for the Provision of Stormwater Management in the Lake Pontchartrain Watershed
In response to the threat that pollution from urban runoff poses to the utilization of Lake Pontchartrain as an economic and recreational resource, this study addresses, from an institutional...

A Case Study of the CEQ Worst Case Regulation
This paper focuses on a decision by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) not to include a worst case oil spill analysis in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed...

Estuarine Quality Use and Public Perception
Coastal environmental quality is determined on the basis of a relatively small number of biochemical and physical parameters which may bear little relation to the intended use of the water....

Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control Program for Lake Erie
The Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study was directed at identifying and quantifying sources of P and sediment entering the lake, developing a management control strategy, and projecting...

Best Management Practices for Small-Scale Agriculture
Best Management Practice (BMP) concepts, identified in response to Clean Water Act requirements, provide nonregulatory techniques for minimizing water degradation, through identification...

Response of Maryland Streams to Agricultural Drainage
An agricultural ditching and channelization project has been proposed for the Eastern shore of Maryland. The Upper Chester River Watershed Plan will involve up to 708 kilometers of ditching...

Puget Sound: A Plan for Its Future
In December 1986, following public hearings on a draft plan, the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority adopted the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. The plan is comprehensive, with...

A Wetland Habitat Assessment Method using Birds
A wetland habitat assessment technique (HAT) using birds as indicators of habitat quality was developed from the method of V. R. Holmes et al. , (1986) and J. W. Graber and R. R. Graber...





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