Interdependence of Dynamic Analysis and Experiment
This paper emphasizes the importance of experimental research to the development of reliable analytical methods for predicting the behavior of structures subjected to static or dynamic...

The Atlantic Palace?Part II The Application of Wind Tunnel/Force Balance Techniques
A relatively new approach for determining overall wind-induced loads on a structure is described. This force balance technique is economical and flexible, and able to provide predictions...

The Atlantic Palace: Part I Structural System Selection Based on Wind Tunnel Testing
The location of the structure in a coastal area susceptible to high winds, the irregular shape and height of the building and the desire for more accurate wind loading and acceleration...

Settlement of Light Buildings on Loose Sand
This paper reviews several cases of settlement of lightly loaded structures supported on granular soils. The concept of settlement ratio is presented. Measurements indicate that the settlement...

Large Scale Testing Facility for the Evaluation of Structural Systems Under Critical Loads
The Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory at the University of California, San Diego, provides, with a 50 ft. high reaction strong wall and a 120 multiplied by 50 ft. box girder...

Experimental Studies, Structural Design and Full-Scale Measurements for the Columbia Seafirst Center
The Columbia Seafirst Center is a 76-story office tower located in downtown Seattle, Washington. It rises to a height of about 940 feet above ground and is the world's 10th...

Comparison of Predicted and Measured Dynamic Behavior of Allied Bank Plaza
Structural engineering aspects of a monitoring program to measure Allied Bank Plaza tower's dynamic response to wind are presented. In particular, field data developed during...

Design of Viscoelastic Dampers for Columbia Center Building
To reduce the dynamic response of a building with a given height and plan area to wind load, aside from inherent damping of the building, the designer has a few options available to him/her....

Blasting Densifies Sand
Constructing the Jebba Dam on Nigeria's Niger River required in-place densification of large volumes of loose sand to record depths of up to 131 ft. Vibrocompaction was used...

Innovations in the Design of Electrical Transmission Structures
New concepts are being advanced for the design of electrical transmission structures. The papers in this book cover the following: weather-element loading conditions, structural options,...

Berth 5-6 Pavement Performance: Port of Oaklan
In 1978 the Port of Oakland commenced a project to demolish the old Berth 5, 6 & 7 break bulk sheds, portions of the wharves, and the warehouses behind, and to construct container...

Gabon Mineral Port Master Plan?A Case History
The integrated design of infra-structure and superstructure of marine terminals for bulk cargoes presents opportunities for innovative solutions that can produce substantial economic benefits....

Gabon Mineral Port Planning
There has been increasing interest in the use of topping-off and top-loading vessel transport systems to ease the burden of expenditures for deepening harbors to fully load large vessels....

Tacoma Terminals Pier Designed for Economy
This pier is a representative and highly refined sample of what is known as the Puget Sound system of construction, an economical system that maintains the durability necessary in the...

Port of Long Beach Supertanker Terminal
The supertanker marine terminal and crude-oil transfer facility at Berth 121 on Pier E in the Port of Long Beach, California is the largest tanker-handling berth on the West Coast. This...

Trends in Containerships and Their Impact on Terminal Design
A revolution in ocean shipping operations, affecting both landside equipment and cargo handling methods, is underway. In today's container shipping industry, maximum efficiency...

Systematic Design of Marinas for Ice Condtions
A systematic approach and recommendations are presented for design engineers use in planning and building safe docks and marinas, and in reducing the expense of damages which ice causes....

Mobile Cranes on Barges?A Naval Architect's Perspective
The purpose of this paper is to present a procedure for analyzing the effect of heel on a barge/crane combination in order to determine its suitability for lifting a load of given size...

Structural Design of Container Cranes
The shipping industry uses container cranes to move cargo containers on and off ships. Container cranes have characteristics common to all crane structures, but many characteristics are...

Dual Hoist Container Cranes for Virginia Port Authority
The dual hoist container crane has proven to be substantially more productive than conventional container cranes. Virginia Port Authority has purchased three new dual hoist cranes with...





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