Monitoring of Water Quality During I-664 Dredging
Construction of Interstate Highway I-664 across Hampton Roads involves extensive underwater work and consequent risk of lowered water quality. This paper described field monitoring procedures...

The Great Highway Coverup
Public opinion has forced changes in highway design since the first ones were built 30 years ago. In the Seattle area, this environmental sensitivity led to federal court action and to...

Steel Boxes Carry Rail Lines
Steel box girders plus novel bearing details led to beautiful curved bridges carrying Chicago Transit Authority trains into its Howard Yard. During preliminary design three alternative...

Arctic Wetland Losses: When Should Compensation be Required?
The paper discusses problems facing biological impact assessment and mitigation planning for petroleum exploration and oilfield development on the Arctic Coastal Plain or North Slope of...

Can Alaskan Caribou and Oil Development Coexist?
The coastal area near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is becoming increasingly industrialized as oil development continues. This same coastal area is an important area to a caribou herd known as the...

Caribou Mitigation in an Arctic Oilfield
The Kuparuk oilfield on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska is in an area of traditional summer use by the Central Arctic Caribou Herd, who use it for calving, feeding, and insect relief....

An Innovative Solution to the Difficult Coastal Zone Management Problem of Dredge Material Disposal
The New York Power Authority is constructing a 300 km predominantly double circuit 345kV transmission facility through southeastern New York State. A key element in this project is the...

Repairs and Inspection
Rehabilitation of a structure in general requires considerations of unique methods of inspection and repair. Since the structures have to remain in service while the repairs are done,...

Building Over the Golden Gate
Charles Seim discusses the struggles of the original bridge advocates to garner support for the Golden Gate Bridge, an idea which originally met with a considerable amount of public opposition....

Golden Gate Bridge Improvements
The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District engineer talks about improvements made to the Golden Gate Bridge since opening day. Improvements covered include: wind bracing,...

Historic Bridges: Conflict Ahead
The engineer who deals with historic bridges becomes the focus of controversy in the course of determining the existing condition, predicting remaining useful life, and designing the repair...

Water Jets: Concrete Yes, Tunneling Maybe
High pressure water jets are demolishing concrete from bridge and parking decks, faster and at lower cost than by traditional means. The technique is fast becoming an acceptable option....

Automating Bridge Design
To avoid some of the pitfalls of manual design calculations, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas engineers designing a series of bridges for a $280 million section of the New...

Significance of Mean Water Level Response in Bays
The occurrence of a net hydraulic head, or superelevation, is a basic feature of bays. It is generated by inlet-bay response to natural forcing. The effects of bottom friction and Stokes...

Analysis of Scour Problems at Louisiana Bridges
An ongoing project to automate the monitoring of scour measurements at Louisiana bridge sites is discussed. The data at selected bridges is digitized and put into computer files for analysis....

Modification of Meander Pattern Using Wing Dams
A sharp river bend and a highway bridge together create potentially hazardous conditions for all down-bound barge tows on the Mississippi River at Lansing, Iowa. The tendency of the river...

The Scourge of Scour
Among 86 bridge failures from 1961 to 1976, more were caused by scour than by earthquakes, wind, structural problems, corrosion and accidents combined. Scour is the erosion of a stream...

Redundancy Evaluation of Existing Bridges
The redundancy of an existing bridge can only be correctly assessed by considering the full superstructure as a single entity. Any formulation based on the analysis of bridge components...

Calibration of a Bridge Rating Formula for Overload Permits
This paper proposes a method to calibrate a reliability based load and resistance factor design (LRFD) permit evaluation formulation that will account for the overloaded truck's...

LFRD Bridge Design as Viewed by the Designer
The load and resistance factor design (LFRD) design concept has been resisted by some bridge engineers on the grounds that it represents a reduction of the 'factor of safety'...





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