Hydrogeochemical Site Investigations by Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland
Groundwater samples collected from cored boreholes (500-1000 m), borehole wells and multilevel piezometers in crystalline bedrock have been characterized and classified. The reference...

Geohydrologic Data and Models of Rainier Mesa and Their Implications to Yucca Mountain
The geohydrologic data collected at Rainier Mesa provide the only extensive observations in tunnels presently available on flow and transport in tuff units similar to those of a potential...

Post-Irradiation Fuel Assembly Dimensions for Transportation and Storage Cask Designs
When designing casks for the shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), one of the most important considerations is the external dimensions of the fuel assemblies to be shipped. Since SNF assemblies...

Code Requirement for Concrete Repository and Processing Facilities
Because of varied uses and performance/safety requirements of concrete for high, medium and low level radioactive wastes, a review of the current ACI 349 Code document was carried out...

Field Investigation of Mining-Induced Seismicity on Local Geohydrology
Hydraulic response of the rock mass due to earthquakes is one of the concerns in the assessment of the long-term performance of a repository. Studies performed by other researchers indicated...

Evaluating Soil Moisture and Hydraulic Conductivity in Semi-Arid Rangeland Soils
The United States Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) Fellowship Program supports various disciplines of academic research related to the...

Estimation of Water-Filled and Air-Filled Porosity in the Unsaturated Zone, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The responses of density and dielectric logs are formulated in terms if the matrix properties, air-filled porosity and water-filled porosity. Porosity values obtained from logs from borehole...

Effects of Core Sealing Methods on the Preservation of Pore Water
Five general core sealing methods (using Protecore, Lexan, wax, Protecore with wax, and Protecore with Lexan) were studied over a two year period to determine their moisture retention...

Full-Field Dye Concentration Measurement Within Saturated/Unsaturated Thin Slabs of Porous Media
This paper presents a full-field dye concentration measurement technique that extends our experimental capabilities to the measurement of transient dye concentration fields within steady...

Determination of Water Content in Unsaturated Flow Experiments Using TDR and Capacitance
Electromagnetic techniques have been used for many years for the determination of moisture content in materials. We are adapting two of these techniques to the estimation of moisture in...

Inference of Moisture Content in Unsaturated Media Using Ultrasonics
This study focuses on the ability of commercial ulltrasonics equipment to determine the moisture content in unsaturated media. We are interested in the possible application of this technology...

Solute Transport Characteristics of Fractured Dolomite in Southern Nevada, USA
Recirculating tracer tests in fractured Cambrian dolomite beneath the Amargosa Desert revealed (1) and 83-percent increased in apparent dispersivity resulting from a two-percent increase...

Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Media
Until recently, the classical advective-dispersive transport equation was considered to be an adequate model for describing the motion of a solute (e.g. radionuclides) in porous and fractured...

Quality-Assurance Program Description Defense Waste Processing Facility
This paper describes the Westinghouse Savannah River Company's (WSRC) quality assurance program for defense-waste processing at the Savannah River Site (SRS). WSRC is the operating contractor...

Perspectives on Out-of-Pool Spent Fuel Storage Requirements 1992-2036
The estimates of requirements for additional storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel from commercial LWRs in the United States are examined in this study. A comparison of this study's...

Plutonium and Minor Actinide Transmutation by Long Irradiation in LWR
An investigation was made on the conceptual possibility of burning in a thermal reactor MOX fuel together with special pins containing plutonium, minor actinides and long-lived fission...

ATW System Impact on High-Level Waste
Criteria are developed for transmutation system impact on HLW storage that are related to intrusion and long-term risk reduction. Thermal reactor, fast reactor, and accelerator-driven,...

Remote Spent Fuel Handling in France at the La Hague Cask Unloading Facility
French policy for the back end of fuel cycle is based on spent fuel reprocessing. Irradiated spent fuels are transferred in casks from the nuclear reactors to the reprocessing plant where...

Evaluation of Spent Fuel Behavior Under Interim Storage Conditions in Russia
The nuclear power in Russia is based on three types of water cooled power reactors VVER-440, -1000 and RBMK-1000. Two fast sodium cooled reactors-prototypes BN-350 and BN-600 are in commercial...

A Comparison of Geostatistically-Based Inverse Techniques for Use in Performance Assessment Analyses at the WIPP Site?Results from Test Case No. 1
The groundwater flow pathway in the Culebra Dolomite aquifer at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) has been identified as a potentially important pathway for radionuclide migration...





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