Shore Protection Construction Along the California Coast
Severe beach, cliff and bluff erosion is occurring along the urban communities on the 1800 miles of ocean, bay and estuarine shoreline of California. This report is an overview of the...

California's Oil Spill Prevention and Cleanup Preparedness?Anatomy of an Emerging Public Policy
This paper provides a discussion and analysis of the development of oil spill prevention and cleanup policy in California, particularly as it evolved after the major oil spills in the...

Development of Long Beach Downtown Marina
This paper describes the planning and construction of the new Alamitos Bay Marina just offshore of Long Beach's downtown shoreline. From an engineering standpoint the construction...

Ebb Delta and Shoreline Response to Inlet Stabilization, Examples from the Southeast Atlantic Coast
Analytical studies were performed on the geomorphic evolution of four stabilized natural inlets located along the ebb-tide dominated, barrier island, southeastern coast of the United States....

A Re-Evaluation of Earthquake Hazards Within the California Coastal Zone: Lessons from the Loma Prieta Earthquake
The 7.1 magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on October 17, 1989, had a duration of 15 seconds, and took 62 lives. Among the lessons learned from this earthquake with regard to offshore...

The Construction of the Shanghai Port and Its Sea-Entering Channel
The Shanghai Port, the biggest port in China, has not enough passing capacity. In order to solve this problem, some new ports must be built. According to sedimentation, fluvial processes...

Offshore Oil and Gas Support Facility Siting Study
It has been estimated that the Bodega Basin, which extends offshore of Sonoma County, contains four areas of high potential for oil production, with a total of up tp 195 million barrels...

Environmental Monitoring Systems?A Case Story?The Great Belt
The law passed by the Danish Parliament on the construction of a combined bridge and tunnel across the 18 km wide Great Belt, included an environmental design criteria. This has initiated...

Effect of Wind on Coastal Construction in Florida
The State of Florida's tidal shoreline is 8,426 miles long. Both the east and the west coast of Florida is subjected to several coastal storms each year. The present study...

California's Adopt-a-Beach: More Than Just a Cleanup
California's Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup and Recycling Program is in its seventh year of dramatic growth. Beginning as an annual one-day cleanup, it has now expanded year 'round...

Restoration Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cases
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, provides natural resource trustees authority for recovering compensatory damages...

Ocean Mining with Shoreline Protection
This paper describes an existing construction system that permits building large concrete structures directly on the water in low-cost floating formwork with unskilled local labor operating...

NOAA'S Monitoring of Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite
The Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988 amends the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 to provide for cessation, by December 31, 1991, of all U.S. ocean dumping of industrial...

Contaminants in Mussel Tissues from U.S. Coastal Waters
Findings are presented from analyses of mollusks collected from sites along the East and West Coasts of the United States, from 1986 through 1989, by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

A Conflict Avoidance Methodology for Port Dredging Issues
Port dredging operations have often been the focus of controversy over environmental and funding disputes. This paper asserts that adversarial relationships among interested parties will...

Crab and Salmon Habitat Enhancement in Grays Harbor Estuary, Washington
A description of mitigation for crab losses and reduced salmonid habitat, expected to occur during construction of the Grays Harbor, Washington, Navigation Improvement Project, is presented....

Chemical Treating Agents for Oil Spill Response?Recent Research Results
Laboratory effectiveness tests have been developed for four classes of spill-treating agents; solidifiers, demulsifying agents, surface-washing agents and dispersants. Currently-available...

Coastline Management: A Challenge for Developing Countries
Coastal erosion has been a worldwide problem of primary concern to coastal management and development. To arrest the coastal erosion processes along the coastline of developing countries...

Pre-Operational Considerations for Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Site Selection and Allocation in British Columbia
Marine fish farming is a new component in the complex mixture of coastal resource uses in British Columbia. To ensure that the marine finfish aquaculture industry develops within an environmentally...

Onsite Compliance Programs for Major Oil and Gas Projects
Major oil and gas projects developed in Santa Barbara County are monitored for compliance with conditions of approval through various enforcement and compliance programs. the Resource...





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