Alternative Designs for a Water Resources Planning and Management Electronic Information Exchange Network
The proliferation of electronic bulletin boards, fax and other electronic media encourages the use of alternative information sharing and retrieval methods as a routine part of business...

Technical Understanding in Successful Environmental Negotiations
Scientists at the National Ecology Research Center conducted a series of case studies of consultations concerning the environmental conditions to be included in Federal Energy Regulatory...

Water Polishing by Constructed Wetland Ecosystems
This paper gives results of a five-year study of minerals and nutrients reduction in a large constructed wetland facility in Central Florida, on the periphery of Orlando. The 120 ha system...

Channel Stabilization and Retrofit
In 1990 King County Surface Water Management Division completed the Soos Creek Basin Plan. This basin was one of the most rapidly developing areas in the State of Washington. The goal...

A Survey of Stormwater Infiltration Basins in the Puget Sound Region
A survey of 23 infiltration basins in the Puget Sound area was conducted to gain information on the performance of these systems and the degree of compliance with state agency guidelines....

Computer Simulation Model of the Integrated Local Water Supply Plan for the City of Wichita, Kansas
The City of Wichita, Kansas will require additional water supply sources to meet projected future water demands. A study of options identified a supply plan with integrated use of local...

Reusable Water Exhange Modeling
Wastewater return flows of raw water which is reusable, i.e., water which is entirely consumable, can be exchanged for a like amount of water upstream in the river basin. Exchanged water...

Development of Fisheries Models for the Missouri River System
This paper describes how the value of fisheries resources under various Missouri River operating alternatives was determined. The four fish communities evaluated were the reservoir cool/warm...

Missouri River Least Tern and Piping Plover Model Development
As part of the update of the Missouri River Master Water Control Manual, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating the effects of numerous water management alternatives on endangered...

Development of Environmental Impacts Model for Missouri River System
The Corp of Engineers is reviewing the Missouri River Master Water Control Manual with the goal of determining the best plan for the Missouri River Basin. The Environmental Impacts Model...

Regional Wastewater Reuse in the Nueces Estuary
The results of this study indicate that the firm yield lost to the release requirements of the Texas Water Commission Interim Release Order can be recovered by diverting treated wastewater...

Conservation Before and After: The Impacts of Increasing Block Rates on a Fully Metered System
Denver Water's inside residential consumption and revenues changed dramatically during a metering program and a conversion to inclining block rates. We analyze these two changes and make...

Using A Risk-Based Relative Position Analysis to Initiate Water Conservation Measures
When water utilities operate with annual demands close to safe yield, they must be prepared to invoke water conservation measures during droughts to assure adequate supply. Determining...

Parallel SDP for Multi-Reservoir Management
The use of stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) for solving water resources problems has been restricted to problems with low dimension due to the 'curse of dimensionality'. Algorithm...

Water Resources Development in the 1990's: A New Process
The development of water resources to meet future water needs has become more complex nowadays as regulatory agencies attempt to balance the proposed consumptive uses of water with a wide...

Managing the Russian River Aggregate Resources
As a result of analyzing the Russian River and its capacity to provide gravel, and through a sound examination of the geomorphology, hydrology, and groundwater conditions, the Sonoma County...

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...

Reliability Analysis of a Multi-Reservoir Water Distribution System
A methodology for evaluating system reliability is developed to assist in the planning and management of a multi-reservoir water distribution system. The minimum cut-set approach is employed...

Public Involvement and Participation: Planning Imperatives for the Coming Century
The literature has identified three types of responses to natural resources planning and management efforts in the United States. The first focused upon the more effective use of existing...

Opportunities, Constraints and Change in Reservoir Management
Changing hydrologic, economic, social and environmental conditions have focused attention on the opportunities for changing reservoir management. Such change can occur in three areas....





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