Rehabbing under Traffic
Redecking the Golden Gate Bridge with a light weight orthotropic steel plate deck left the 49 year old monument 11,000 tons lighter, 2 feet wider, and ready to carry traffic for the next...

Geotechnical Construction Control Data Base Package
A data base can be defined as pieces or groups of data stored together in an orderly form such that access to all or any part of the data can be readily accomplished. A computerized data...

Microtunneling: No Pipe Dream
Microtunneling machines developed in Japan and Germany can help install pipes, ducts and cables without disrupting urban activities at street level. A microtunnel is defined as having...

An Integrated Approach to Structure and Control Design of Space Structures
In this paper the authors have investigated the effect of passive damping on the optimum structural design with active controls. The minimum weight design is obtained by imposing the constraints...

Optimum Seismic Structural Design with Tendon and Mass Damper Controls and Random Process
This paper describes the optimization of structural weight for seismic structures implemented by active control systems. The instantaneous open-loop optimal control algorithm is used for...

Methods for Real-Time Control of Highway Traffic
The paper describes the development of computational strategies for demand-responsive decentralized traffic signal control. First, a Dynamic Programming procedure is developed which serves...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

A Cost Effective Quality Control Program for Commercial Construction
The construction industry recognizes the important need for a formalized quality control program to assure the safety of our structures. The successful program is one in which the owner,...

Developing Quality Resident Engineers From an RE's Point of View
A good Resident Engineer (RE) is not just an inspector, he is a hybrid of a lawyer, engineer, accountant, manager, administrator, and communicator as well as an inspector. In order for...

The History of Construction Management
Construction Management's origins can be traced to several forerunners, and its development, although short, has seen many changes of both practice and attitude. Its cost...

Quality in the CM Constructed Project
The services of the testing laboratory on construction projects have not generally been considered as part of the construction management function. If the intention of construction management...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis on a Micro Computer
The shift toward micros has reduced prices and increased accessibility, permitting engineers to bypass 'bureaucratic' DP departments and run programs as often...

Real Time Data Acquisition in Structural Testing
The process of data collection in real time for structural engineering can be generalized into a process called the real time sequence. The sequence has three major phases: preliminary...

Coordination of Interconnected Arterial Traffic Signals
Present analytical methods and computer programs offer capabilities of optimizing the traffic signal coordination for a series of signalized intersections. Recently, transportation research...

A Knowledge Based Technique for Structural Component Design Programs
Traditionally, computer programs written for the purpose of sizing and checking standards compliance of individual structural members have been authored in high level compiled languages...

Computers in Structural Engineering Practice The Issue of Quality
The dilemma of affordable and easy access to computing versus uncertain and dangerous pitfalls will be a continuing one for the profession. Since the pitfalls include problems associate...

Personal Computer Environment for Minicomputer Users
Users find that personal computers can perform most functions previously available only on minicomputers or even mainframe computers. Companies have an imbedded investment in existing...

Quality Assurance in a Large Firm
This paper will describe the formalization of the Quality Assurance Program in a large consulting engineering firm. Although Quality Assurance and Quality Control have been a part of normal...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

Plan for Success: The Challenge of Waterfront Development
Waterfront development has been propelled by the relative successes of urban renewal and by the transformation of the modern American economy. Contemporary waterfront developments confront...





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