Buying Tomorrow's Water
Cities are finding that selling future access rights to sewer and water treatment plants can get them needed expansion capital. Although the access rights system is similar to development...

High Hopes for Cattails
As other areas of wastewater treatment go high tech, man-made wetlands are treating wastewater from small towns and coal mines. Plants are grown in about 1 ft of water. Suspended solids...

Dams Reborn
The need to rehabilitate dams without draining their valuable reservoirs is impacting the way the Bureau of Reclamation makes modifications. There are no two better examples of this than...

Goods Transportation in Urban Areas
The conference on Goods Transportation in Urban Areas (GTUA V) held in Santa Barbara, California, during March 6-11, 1988, focused on three major themes?truck accommodation in urban areas;...

Structures for Enhanced Safety and Physical Security
This book presents the state-of-the-art in the general subject of structures for enhanced safety and physical security. The technical papers written are by engineers and researchers who...

Risk Analysis and Management of Natural and Man-Made Hazards
The third Engineering Foundation Conference on Risk-Based Decisionmaking titled Risk Analysis and Management of Natural and Man-Made Hazards was held in Santa Barbara, California on November...

Tension Leg Platform
a State of the Art Review
Prepared by the Task Group on Compliant Offshore Platforms of ASCE. This report considers the analysis and design of tension leg platforms (TLPs),...

Site Characterization of Yorktown Formation for New Accelerator
The design of a new 1700-m long continuous-wave electron beam accelerator facility (CEBAF) in Newport News, Virginia demanded an extensive geotechnical exploration program be conducted...

Pressuremeter Evaluation of Glacial Till Bearing Capacity in Toronto Canada
Glacial tills were evaluated at three Toronto sites, using conventional methods, the pressuremeter and full scale caisson load tests. The geologic environment and specific subsurface conditions...

Foundation Engineering Constraints in Karst Terrane
Cavity-prone carbonate rocks are found in many Appalachian valleys and represent a poorly recognized hazard. This paper reviews the nature of the problem of founding above these Cambro-Ordovician...

Influence of Geologic Development on Horizontal Stress in Soil
Geologic history commonly controls the stress in natural soils, so that an understanding of the geology allows an assessment of the horizontal stress. This paper describes mechanistically...

Location of Geologic Discontinuities by Geophysical Techniques
An overview of the seismic refraction method and resistivity methods is given. These two geophysical techniques are integrated into a systematic method for locating geologic discontinuities...

Screw Plate Test for Drained and Undrained Soil Parameters
This paper describes a screw plate test device developed with a capability to measure the generation and dissipation of excess pore water pressure during testing in cohesive soils. The...

Some Dilatometer Test Results in Pennsylvania and New York
This paper starts with a brief introduction to the dilatometer and piezoblade. Test results in four different areas are presented. DMT soundings at LR 67057 (Legislative Route numbers...

An Evaluation of Pile Design in Fraser River Delta Using In-Situ Tests
Modern methods of pile design often take advantage of in-situ test data. Thirteen axial pile capacity design methods have been evaluated using the results from eight full-scale pile load...

Cyclic Behavior of Natural Overconsolidated Clay in Two Loading Modes
One-way, stress-controlled, cyclic triaxial compression tests were conducted on a heavily overconsolidated (Ko > 1), slickensided, natural clay with a view to modeling its cyclic...

First-Order Estimation of Ko in Sands and Clays
The in-situ horizontal stress coefficient (Ko) is known to be the dominant design parameter controlling the side resistance of deep foundations....

Collapsible Soils in the Antelope Valley�California
Soils subject to hydroconsolidation, commonly referred to as collapsible soils, have a potential to undergo significant volume reductions upon wetting, with or without additional loading...

Identification and Characterization of the Collapsing Alluvial Soils of the Western United States
Suggested procedures for the identification and characterization of the collapsing alluvial fan, mudflow and debris flow deposits of the arid and semi-arid parts of the western United...

State-of-the-Practice Mitigation Measures for Collapsible Soil Sites
Mitigative alternatives for collapsible soil sites are reviewed considering shallow, as well as deep, collapsible soil deposits. In the case of deep soil deposits the overburden pressures...





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