In-Plane Behavior of Concrete Masonry Coupled Walls
To study the in-plane seismic resistance of multi-story masonry coupled walls, 6 full-scale reinforced masonry specimens, each two stories high, are being constructed and tested in the...
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Experiments on Two-Story Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls
Nonlinear, static finite element analyses are being used for correlation with experiments conducted on one-story reinforced masonry shear walls, and for the prediction of and correlation...
Use of Experimental Data to Develop Probable Behavior
The intent of this paper is to present results of research that studies the performance of the University of Colorado walls tested by Professor Benson Shing. These walls would be classified...
Influence of Nonlinear Models on Dynamic Displacements
This research is a part of an ongoing multi-year program that is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and conducted under the TCCMAR (Technical Coordinating Committee for Masonry...
Vibration Control Damper Using Sloshing of Water
The objective of this study is to develop a method of reducing wind-induced vibration of long-period structures utilizing sloshing of water in tanks added to the upper part of the structures....
Dynamic Characterization of Posttensioned Rods in Stressed Timber Systems
A new approach is presented to monitor the levels of force in posttensioning rods in stressed timber systems. The dynamic response of the rod under an impact load is characterized and...
Durability Design for Concrete Bridge Structures
The concept of durability design for concrete structures including bridge structures is proposed on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of materials, design details and construction...
An Education in Tunneling
In this follow-up to the author's article in the April 1989 issue of Civil Engineering, this senior civil engineer and winner of the 1988 Martin Kapp Foundation Engineering...
Coal Gas Legacy
The remains of a former coal gasiication plant were uncovered during redevelopment of a site for the new City Hall in Waterloo, Ont. The coal tar waste was a dense, immiscible tarry fluid...
What's Wrong With Superfund
In nine years of the federal government's Superfund program, $4 billion has been spent and only 38 of the 1,175 sites on the national priority list have been cleaned. There...
On-Site Incineration
A variety of equipment is now available for incinerating hazardous wastes in situ. Thermal treatment, compared to land disposal, offers limited liability and immediate destruction. It...
Suburban Superfund
Discovery of methane seeping into houses at a new development near Newark, Del. set off investigations that eventually led to the U.S. EPA declaring the site eligible for Superund cleanup...
The Challenge of Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain is the most likely site for the nation's high level nuclear wastes. Congress chose the site out of three candidates for further study before designating it...
Fast Tracking Military Waste
The installation restoration program, the military version of Superfund, helped fast track the cleanup contracts for four military hazwaste sites located at Hanscom Air Field, Bedford,...
Hydrogeology Comes to the Surface
Before concluding whether groundwater is safe or contaminated, engineers must understand the science of hydrogeology. If they don't understand hydrogeology, unnecessary and...
Building a Better Landfill Liner
A soil liner project was sponsored by the EPA to provide information on the construction factors that affect the permeability of compacted soil liners. After construction of a field liner,...
The Saga of Senate Bill 2067
With the advent of the California Superfund program, liability related to toxic waste cleanup became a critical issue in California. The state had no authority to indemnify consultants...
Accelerating Electrons
At a wastewater treatment plant in Miami, five scientists have pointed a 1.5 million v `e-beam' at pathogens and hazardous chemicals. It's the only full-scale...
Dynamic Response Prediction for Earthquake Resistance Design of Bridge Structures
Newly developed nonlinear analysis procedures for assessing the earthquake resistance of bridges have been incorporated into the computer program SEISAB (SEISmic Analysis of Bridges)....
Reliable Displacements from Integrated Quick-Release Accelerograms
A new baseline correction method has been developed which allows accelerograms collected during quick-release tests of full scale structures to be doubly integrated to displacements. The...
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