Genesis ? Information on the Move
The access to enhanced real-time travel information is widely accepted as one of the cornerstones of any intelligent highway system. In the majority if IVHS programs currently underway...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...

Arterial Street Incident Detection Using Multiple Data Sources: Plans for ADVANCE
An Advanced Traveler Information System demonstration called ADVANCE is being prepared for implementation on an arterial street network in the suburbs of Chicago. This paper will describe...

Selected Precipitation Characteristics in Antelope Valley, Mojave Desert, CA
An urban hydrology study currently in progress in Antelope Valley, California, includes the collection and analyses of precipitation and runoff data. Storms in Antelope Valley are most...

Impacts of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration and Runoff in the Tennessee River Basin
Recent climate change studies using general circulation models demonstrated the potential for a 1 to 3?C warming in North America, as well as increases in precipitation and evaporation...

A Statistical Climate Inversion Scheme and its Application in Hydrologic Impact Assessment Studies Associated with Global Climate Variability
The use of deterministic atmospheric, general circulation models (GCM's) to understand potential global climate change under doubled CO2 forcing...

Change of Estuarine Processes Due to Sea Level Rise and Navigation Channel Improvement
To investigate the relationship between the improvement of navigation channels and the change of estuarine environment under various sea level rise scenarios, numerical study was performed...

Combining Orographic Precipitation and Runoff Models for Improving Reservoir Operations
This paper reports on a study being conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation whose end objectives are improved quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) for use in hydrologic runoff models...

Precipitation Data in the Mountains of the Western United States: Do We Have What We Need?
Data collected by the National Weather Service and the Soil Conservation Service in the western United States are the primary sources of precipitation information for engineering and hydrologic...

Mountainous Precipitation Estimation Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Geographic Information Systems
Using rotated principal component analysis (PCA), unique, orthogonal spatial patterns of daily and monthly precipitation on a well-instrumented, mountainous watershed in Idaho (USA) were...

Development of an Isohyetal Analysis for Oregon Using the Prism Model
PRISM (Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) is an analytical model that uses point data and a digital elevation model (DEM) to generate gridded estimates of...

Design Hydrographs in Coastal Wetland Watersheds
The use of synthetic unit-hydrographs for hydraulic design in ungaged watersheds has been an accepted practice for over 50 years. In southeastern U.S. coastal regions, which contain extremely...

Hydrology of Wetland Treatment Systems in East Orange County, Florida
Wetlands are increasingly being used as final treatment systems for industrial and domestic wastewater effluent discharges and stormwater runoff discharges. Hydrological monitoring and...

Hydrologic Runoff Models for the Arid Southwest United States
Recently, hydrologic study criteria manuals (or hydrology manuals) were prepared for the arid southwest regions of Clark County (Las Vegas vicinity, Nevada), Maricopa County (Phoenix vicinity,...

Lag Relations for Semi-Arid Regions and Urban Areas
The use of synthetic unit hydrographs often requires the estimation of lag or other travel time parameters. Several procedures are available for estimating such unit hydrograph parameters....

Flood Elevation Limits in the Rocky Mountains
An analysis of 77,987 station-years of streamflow-gaging station data from 3,748 stations in the Rocky Mountains indicates that there is a latitude-dependent elevation limit to substantial...

Lessons from Hurricane Andrew's Effects on Hydraulic Structures
Documentation and description of Andrew's effects on open channels and other hydraulic structures in South Dade County, Florida, are presented, based on observations made during field...

Linking Hydrologic and Hydraulic Routing Models in Low Relief Basins of South Florida
Combined use of hydrologic and hydraulic routing models to analyze the rainfall-runoff processes during a storm event is a common practice. In this approach, a hydrologic model is employed...

A Computer System to Operate Coastal Structures
The Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project (C&SF) was designed and built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is operated and maintained by the South Florida Water...

Hydraulic Modeling of Alluvial Plains (Slopes) and Alluvial Fans Using DAMBRK
The design of hydraulic structures such as bridges on distributary flow areas and alluvial fans require methods that can adequately determine discharges at the structures. Flow conditions...





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