Solving Stormwater Drainage Problems Through an Area Drainage Master Study Program
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona, is the floodplain and stormwater management agency for the most densely populated county in the State. A major new tool being used...

Design Storms for Urban Drainage
The characteristics of design storms for urban drainage are reviewed. There are indications that, under certain conditions, design storms produce runoff simulation results which are equivalent...

Characteristics of Intense Storms in Kansas
This paper examines point-rainfall characteristics of intense storms in Kansas. Hourly rainfall records were analyzed for 1006 intense storms selected from some 1800 station-years of data....

Outlet Structure Hydraulics
Current detention basin design procedure is to design the outlet structure for two or more return periods. This is sometimes done by combining weirs and/or orifices of various sizes and...

Air-Water Oxygen Transfer at Spillways and Hydraulic Jumps
Dissolved oxygen measurements are reported for seven spillway structures in the vicinity of Minneapolis, Minnesota, corresponding to 27 individual surveys. The surveys are taken during...

Computer-Aided Analysis of Treatment Plant Hydraulics
This paper describes software for the hydraulic analysis of water and wastewater treatment works. HADES (the Hydraulic Analysis, Design, and Evaluation System,) provides interactive analysis...

Hydraulic Reliability of Urban Water Distribution Systems
Conventional planning and design approaches for urban water distribution systems consist of trial and error procedures to select piping network configurations, pipe sizes, storage capacities...

Modeling Reliability in Water Distribution Network Design
The component failures in a water distribution system include pipe breaks, pump failures, valve failures, storage malfunctions, etc. The reliability of these components has an effect upon...

Model for Optimal-Risk Based Water Distribution Network Design
Various models using a variety of optimization techniques were developed for determining pipe diameters, network layout, pump capacities, and other design parameters. The objective function...

Traveling Trickler Center Pivot Design
There have been a number of proposals to improve the center pivot irrigation system in order to overcome the inherent inefficiency from high evaporation losses and energy requirements....

Intense Storms and the Runoff Coefficient
During prolonged, intense storms the runoff coefficient increases in value and approaches one irrespective of the vegetation and soil characteristics of the watershed. As the runoff coefficient...

Unique Flood and Drainage Problems in Los Angeles
Storm drainage for the coastal cities has to traverse highly used sandy recreational beaches. Due to new requirements on the construction of storm drains to the ocean, a beach outlet has...

Feasibility Study of Flood Control for the Maumee River in Allen County, Indiana
In March, 1982 the Maumee River overtopped its banks flooding parts of the City of Fort Wayne and unincorporated areas in Allen County, Indiana. The estimated damage to the area was about...

Hydraulic Modeling for Ecological Research
Because of the problems and expenses of a continuous data collection program for large rivers, it was decided to develop an integrated hydrodynamic and biological model for the Illinois...

Organization Design of a Water Resources Institution
An overview of the field of organization design is presented along with a brief description of major macro-organization design theories. Utilizing this information, four water resources...

Submerged Vanes for Sediment Control in Rivers
A procedure is developed for a rational design of a system of submerged vanes for depth control in alluvial-river channels. The vanes are vertical, small-aspect ratio foils installed on...

Classification and Behavior of Meander Migration
Meander migrations on the Mississippi River between Cairo, Illinois and Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the time period between the years 1765 and 1930 were classified into six categories based...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

Sediment Intrusion into the Substrate of Gravel Bed Streams
A physically-based model was developed to simulate the intrusion of fine sediments into stream gravel substrates and its effects on intragravel flow. The model is capable of simulating...

Physical Habitat Simulation and the Moveable Bed
One objective of an instream flow analysis is to quantify a flow that will maintain the existing channel and/or flush fine material from the bed. Five empirical approaches to determine...





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