Fretting Corrosion on Large Split Thrust Bearing Runners
In the early fifties interfacial slip was measured on laboratory models. Design improvements, resulting from these tests, were incorporated into later machines. These improvements appreciably...

Upper Yellow River Projects and Longyangxia Station
The river stretch from Longyangxia to Qingtongxia, with a head drop of 1,465 m in a distance of 1,023 km (including backwater length of the Longyangxia Reservoir) is the focus of this...

Our Municipal Water System Has Power
Hydroelectric potential exists in the Boulder, Colorado municipal water system. Excess pressure is developed in the water system because the water originates in the Rocky Mountains, west...

Evaluation of Reservoir Seepage in Karst Topography
Areas where seepage is likely to occur in the karst environment of the proposed West County Reservoir, Roanoke County, Virginia have been indentified. Solutioning exists in the form of...

Flow Behavior of Kinked Strip Drains
Due to the often expressed concern over the axial deformation of strip drains and the resulting impact on flow rate, this study has been undertaken. A laboratory experiment has been constructed,...

Regulatory and Environmental Issues of the Chisman Creek Superfund Site
This paper discusses the regulatory and environmental issues arising from the response to the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Chisman Creek Superfund Site in York County, Virginia. Field...

Frequency Domain Site Response with Pore Pressure
A frequency domain analysis for seismic site response and liquefaction potential is developed. The analysis is based upon a nonstationary random vibration theory. The model uses an effective...

A Stochastic Model for Low-Cycle Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth
In this paper a stochastic process approach is considered to represent the random nature of the low-cycle (elastic-plastic) fatigue crack growth process. A semi-Markov renewal model is...

Pore Pressure Development: Probability Analysis
The development and subsequent dissipation of excess pore pressure, p in a soil deposit subject to an external load is examined using probability concepts that account for uncertainties...

First-Order Reliability Analysis of Groundwater Flow
A method for stochastic analysis of groundwater flow based on the first-order reliability approach is presented. The method is well suited for problems in which statistical information...

Time Series Analysis of Wind Pressures on Low Buildings
A new methodology for the description of local wind pressures on the building envelope of mono-sloped roof buildings by using time series analysis is described. A simple AR(1) model has...

On Modelling the Nonlinear Relationship Between Random Fields by Means of Higher-Order Spectra
This paper addresses the input-output relationship of nonlinear systems that may be expressed in terms of a hierarchy of linear, quadratic and higher-order transfer functions or corresponding...

Pressures on Prisms in Turbulent Shear Flows
Experimental results are presented which show that Melbourne's 'Small Scale Spectral Density Parameter,' S, controls the negative pressures on the...

Sanitary Sewer Model with Database Management
While numerous water supply and stormwater system models existed, the few sanitary sewer models that were readily available were too simplistic for engineering design and master planning...

Sanitary Sewer System Modeling for Operation and Planning
Development of a Steady State Sanitary Sewer Simulation (S5) computer model helped Newport News, Virginia, enact an efficient sanitary sewer management...

Conjunctive Use Study of Groundwater and Surface Water in Chino Basin, California
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of artificial recharge on an already contaminated unconfined aquifer and propose optimal recharging and pumping schemes to prevent the...

Water Distribution Network Calibration Considering Multiple Loading Conditions
Through time a water distribution network's carrying capacity is reduced as material collects on pipe walls. The impact varies with each pipe in the system and occurs at an...

Regional Assessment of Pumpage in Southeastern Virginia
A U.S. Geological Survey investigation was conducted, in cooperation with the Virginia Water Control Board, to analyze the hydrogeology and groundwater flow system in the Coastal Plain...

A Ground Water Modeling Effort to Simulate the Results of An Aquifer Restoration Scheme
A ground water model using the IBM PC version of the USGS MODFLOW code was constructed to simulate the ground water flow beneath an industrial site in the central Midwest. A detailed three-dimensional...

Computerized Bridge Coding for HEC-2 Applications on I.B.M. P.C.
A computer program for conversion of survey field notes directly into SB, BT, and GR cards with simultaneous cross-section plot is described. It was designed to simplify the coding of...





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