Optimization of Low Head Hydro Equipment
In this paper, we will limit our purpose to the presentation of the different types of turbines that CE/Neyrpic proposes for low head power plants, for run of the river operations. We...

Small Kaplan Versus Tubular and Francis Turbines
Mossefossen Power Plant is situated in the centre of the small town Moss in the southern part of Norway. Water flows from an existing dam through a 9 m**2, 175m long tunnel to the powerhouse...

Design Criteria for Generators in Low-Head Hydro-Power Plants
Principal characteristics and design features of such generators are discussed and options and preferences in their selection mentioned. Effects on inertia constant, efficiency, reactive...

Index Testing?Relative Turbine Performance
The Index method of testing hydraulic turbines consists of making a test in which the value of power output and head are measured and in which the quantities of water and velocity head...

Interchangeable Runners Can Increase Energy Output
Interchangeable turbine runners can be used to increase energy generation at some hydroelectric power sites. Two different turbine runners can be designed for different design heads or...

Analyses and Field Tests for Hydraulic Transients Sultan Hydroelectric Project
Two in-line Francis units with their long discharge conduit and bypass valves present some unique problems in controlling hydraulic transients in this system. The problems were compounded...

Advance Prediction of Flow-Induced Variations
Frequency analysis of hydraulic vibrations has been applied using a transfer matrix and impedance method. The computer program is given for the self-excited and forced vibrations, together...

Leakage from Pressure Tunnels and Shafts
Several issues related to leakage from unlined pressure tunnels and shafts are reviewed and discussed. They include confinement, or cover requirements relative to hydraulic jacking of...

Analysis and Testing of Transient Pressures at Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project
The objective of this paper is to present a comparative discussion of the results of theoretical analysis of transient pressures and of field tests performed on the Camp Far West Hydroelectric...

Design of the Tunnel System for the Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project
The Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project, Kodiak, Alaska, contains a 5-mile-long (8. 1 Km) power tunnel with supplementary stream diversions entering it by two shafts along its alignment....

Hoover Dam Plus Fifty Years Equals El Cajon Dam
The completion of El Cajon arch dam on the fiftieth anniversary of the completion of Hoover Dam has given the opportunity to compare design and construction of two concrete arch dams constructed...

Sherman Island Hydro Cofferdam
The design and construction of an eight hundred foot long by sixty-five foot high cofferdam is discussed. The cofferdam was located to permit major renovation of the existing downstream...

Arch Dams for Small Hydroelectric Sites
Approximate formulas are developed for the design of small arch dams. These designs, although conservative, frequently allow for economies over other dam types. Considered are: an approximate...

Control System Design Considerations for Small Hydro Projects
This paper deals with the philosophy that must be embraced when specifying a fast track small hydro project. The major areas discussed are: the role of control systems in the context of...

Conventional Machinery/Unconventional Applications
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation has become increasingly involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects involving unconventional applications for conventional hydraulic machinery. One ongoing...

Nanpil River Hydropower Project Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
The Nanpil River Hydropower Project is a 1600 KW run-of-the-river hydropower project located on the tropical island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. The hydropower project will...

Electrical Design of Small Hydro Plants
Major aspects of electrical design criteria for small hydro power plants used in co-generation schemes are: turbine control, generator and excitation equipment selection, protection relaying,...

Specification Writing for Small Hydro-Generators
For small hydro projects, it is all too common for the spec writer to use a convenient off-shelf spec usually written for a much larger unit. Minor modifications (primarily ratings) are...

Dynamic Analysis of Existing Tarbela Intake Towers
According to general practice at the time of the design, the pseudostatic method of applying earthquake loading was used. The basic acceleration was 0. 1g. A post-construction seismological...

Dam Safety Rehabilitation at Selected TVA Hydroelectric Projects
In response to President Carter's 1976 memorandum to all Federal agencies with responsibility for dams to develop and implement formal guidelines for dam safety, TVA restructured...





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