Removal of Radon and Uranium from a water supply
The removal of Radon and Radium from drinking water with the help of granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorption was investigated. A packed bed column was used for the purpose. It has...

Incinerating Dioxin Contaminated Waste at the USEPA Combustion Research Facility
The objective of the tests reported herein was to evaluate the incinerability of the toluene stillbottoms by determining whether 99. 9999% DRE could be achieved. All tests were performed...

Application of a Relative Site Ranking Methodology to Regulation of Groundwater Contamination Sites
An assessment methodology for ranking groundwater contamination sites is described. The ranking of nearly 100 actual contamination sites, and the definition and calibration of 'zones...

Remedial Measures for a Creosote Impoundment Closure
In conformance with the 1984 amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 264 requirements, Burlington Northern Railroad (BN) constructed a double high density...

Biological Removal of Low Levels of Chlordane
This study investigated the removal of chlordane from a synthetic hazardous waste landfill leachate with chlordane as the only hazardous material. The chlordane concentrations investigated...

Effects of Organic Compounds on the Adsorption and Desorption of Metals in Soils
This study evaluated the adsorption and release rates of toxic metals in a soil system also impacted with organic compounds. The soil type studied is common to hazardous waste sites throughout...

Reduction of Nitrogen and COD by Land Disposal of Dairy Wastewater
Land disposal of industrial wastewater, and in particular the ridge and furrow (R&F) process, has been a popular and simple treatment method for many years. This study, conducted...

Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Groundwater Contamination from Landfilling Sludge
Contaminant concentration criteria are required to prevent contaminant infiltration from leading to conditions which exceed health criteria. A methodology of groundwater has been described...

Modeling the Movement of Volatile Organic Chemicals with Unsaturated Flow
Over the past decade, the rate of groundwater contamination by volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) has increased. Therefore, for both groundwater protection and cleanup, it is necessary...

Modeling Dispersion in Non-Homogenous Formations
A stochastic model of contaminant mixing in non-homogeneous porous media has been developed. The model is three dimensional and relates the contaminant distribution to the probability...

Data from Most Monitoring Wells in Limestone Terranes Are Irrelevant to Pollutant Detection but Reliable Monitoring Can Be Attained: Why and How
The conventional system of using three or more monitoring wells placed down-gradient from a site and one or more background wells placed up-gradient from it is extremely unlikely to detect...

Effects of Sampling Equipmenton the Chemical Integrity of Groundwater Samples
Proper sampling of groundwater is one of the basic steps in monitoring movement of pollutants in groundwater systems. The effect of the use of silicone rubber when used as a bladder in...

Sulfide Control in Omaha and Cedar Rapids
Omaha, Nebraska, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa have been involved in efforts to control sulfide in major interceptors, at the influent to the treatment plants, and within the treatment facilities....

Health Effects,Risk Assessment and Guidance for Indoor Radon
Unlike many inorganic elements, radionuclides have no nutritional value. Radionuclides are carcinogenic and uranium is also known to be non-carcinogenic as well. This paper is primarily...

Treatment Facilities and Costs for the Removal of Radon from Ground Water Supplies
Two methods for removal of Radon from drinking water are considered: activated carbon adsorption and packed tower aeration. Although both granular activated carbon (GAC) and packed tower...

Removal of EDB from Groundwater by Granular Activated Carbon Filtration
Application of ethylene dibromide (EDB) pesticide to crops may result in contamination of groundwater. Various water treatment alternatives are: granulated activated carbon adsorption,...

Current Status of Flue GasDesulfurization in the United States
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems have been in existence in the United States for only 17 years but they have made a tremendous impact in the operation of utility plants. At present,...

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Stormwater Drainage
Global sea level rise as a result of the greenhouse effect and the past trend and future projection on the rise are discussed. Potential problems associated with coastal stormwater drainage...

National Perspectives and Policy on Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
The paper presents the perspective of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the title subject. It makes the point that while EPA continues to implement the major point source efforts...

An Integrated Conceptual Expert System for Flood and Water Pollution Management
One particularly practical role for an expert system (ES) is as an interface between a complex computer model and an inexperienced user or novice. The software is applied to the USEPA...





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