Flow and Mass Transport for Hazardous Waste Liners
Certain aspects of flow and contaminant migration of hazardous liquids through soils are addressed. A fine-grained soil and fluids commonly encountered in hazardous sites, were considered....

Field Measurements of Landfill Surface Settlements
The Collier Road Landfill, located in southeast Michigan, has been accepting industrial and muncipal solid waste since the late 1960's. This existing landfill encompasses...

Analysis of Plastic Soil in Contact with Cavitose Bedrock
A numerical analysis has been conducted to evaluate the stress deformational response of highly plastic soils in contact with cavitose Bedrock. The numerical idealization represents the...

Hazardous Waste Landfill Cap System Stability
Pursuant to the regulatory requirements for control of rainfall infiltration into a hazardous waste landfill, a cap design that is impervious plus stable is required. The intent of a cap...

Fly Ash as a Potential Waste Liner
Earthen liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous materials in ponds and landfills. There is close scrutiny over the durability of liners in contact with various wastes...

Test Fill for a Double Liner System
A double liner system is required in hazardous waste disposal facilities to satisfy the current Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and State of Michigan Act 64 Requirements. To meet...

Quality Control Testing for a Sand-Bentonite Liner
This paper presents the results of the quality control testing performed during the construction of a sand-bentonite liner for a sanitary landfill site in Central Florida. The available...

Design and Performance Monitoring of Clay-Lined Landfills
The use of thick clay liners has been applied to Wisconsin landfills for over a decade. Currently, there are over 35 solid waste disposal facilities in Wisconsin which have been constructed...

Acceptance Sampling for Clay Liner Design
The assurance of the quality of constructed clay liners has been a problem for geotechnical engineers. Compliance with minimum standards is necessary to ensure the liner performance capability....

Influential Factors in Soil Liner Construction for Waste Disposal Facilities
Those factors most influential in the construction of a soil liner to meet a permeability performance standard of 1 multiplied by 10-7 centimeters per second (cm/sec) are identified and...

The Effects of Brine Contamination on the Properties of Fine Grained Soils
Laboratory tests have been performed to investigate the effects of brine contamination on grain size distribution, relative density, liquid and plastic limits, hydraulic conductivity,...

Permeability of Compacted Clay Liners in Laboratory Scale Models
Experiments conducted in flexible wall permeameters have shown that the permeability of a soil sample is dependent on the size of the specimen tested. The permeability was found to decrease...

Geotechnical Properties and Landfill Disposal of FGD Sludge
Extensive test data from more than a decade of research are compiled on the geotechnical engineering properties of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sludges with emphasis on double alkali...

Quality Assurance Monitoring of a Large Clay Liner
The Keele Valley Landfill at Maple, Ontario, consists of a 99 ha (245 acre) facility to serve the Metropolitan Toronto area. The landfill is located in a former sand and gravel pit, with...

Hydrocarbon Refining Waste Stabilization for Landfills
Mobile pollutants are generated in a landfill as a function of the waste properties and the response of the deposit to the in-situ stress, climate and biochemical conditions. Release of...

Water Treatment Plant Sludge as Landfill Liner
Chemical sludge is produced in large quantities during the water treatment processes. The present regulations pertaining to the disposal of solid wastes impose many constraints on any...

Environmental Monitoring and Observations Before and During Excavation of a Landfill in Owatonna, Minnesota
A Minnesota landfill inactive since 1962 was excavated in 1985 to prepare the site for construction of a new waste water treatment plant. The excavation refuse was disposed of in nearby...

Modelling of Contaminant Transport in Clays Via Irreversible Thermodynamics
This study develops a model for the analysis and prediction of contaminant transport in soils using principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The developed model includes five parameters...

Soil Improvement
A Ten Year Update
Since the publication of Soil Improvement?History, Capabilities and Outlook after the Annual ASCE convention in Philadelphia in 1976, a dramatic growth in certain soil improvement techniques...

Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary on Standard for Seismic Analysis of Safety Related Nuclear Structures
This standard provides requirements for performing analyses to obtain design information which will lead to the reliability of structures under a severe earthquake. The goal of this standard...





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