Advanced Software for Thin Plate Analysis Using Unequally Spaced Cubic B-Splines
A computer program for analysis of thin plates is presented. This package improves upon previous analysis programs by incorporating a proven analytical method in an advanced user interface,...

Axial Force-Moment Interaction in System Reliability
For rigid-plastic structures with random resistances and loads, a technique is presented that identifies critical failure modes considering the effect of axial force-moment interaction...

Response Variability and Reliability of Stochastic Systems Using the Weighted Integral Method
After obtaining an exact expression of the stochastic stiffness matrix in terms of random variables called weighted integrals, the response variability and the safety index of stochastic...

Perplexing Issues in Concrete Softening
We explore some of the proposed techniques for modeling 'softening' via the constitutive model. We seek a framework which is both theoretically sound and physically...

Computational Damage Modeling for Timber Reliability Analysis
Damage models for creep-rupture are used in conjunction with stochastic load models to evaluate lifetime failure probabilities of timber members and systems. This paper examines damage...

Cooperative Fracture?Statistical Models
The brittle failure of certain engineering materials represents but an ultimate phase in a process characterized by an evolving system of microdefects distributed over a large part of...

Computation of Wind Flow Around a Building
A numerical investigation of wind flow around a three-dimensional building is presented by solving weakly compressible flow equations, together with Smogrinsky's subgrid-scale...

Wave Loading Linearization for Offshore Structures
The linearization of Morison-type wave loading is to replace u|u| by cu, where u is a zero mean, stationary Gaussian random process and c is a constant. In the present study an optimal...

Myocardial Wall Stress: A Clinician's View
Definition of left ventricular (LV) wall stress is a parameter which has a valid application in clinical medicine. This paper discusses this application as it pertains to various cardiac...

Three-Dimensional Blood Flows Associated with Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation
Three-dimensional blood flow processes associated with intra-aortic balloon counterpuslation (IABP) are calculated using a Cray YMP supercomputer. The mathematical model incorporates a...

A Computer Simulation of the Blood Flow at the Aortic Bifurcation with Flexible Walls
To understand the possible role of hemodynamics in the atherogenesis, especially the effect of the flexibility of the arteries, a two-dimensional numerical model for the blood flow at...

Effects of Artificial Heart Pumping on Hemorheology
Alterations in hemorheology were studied in 19 patients supported by the Jarvik-7 total artificial heart (TAH) anywhere from 1 to 48 days as a bridge-to-cardiac transplantation. Abnormally...

Structural Aspects of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis
Orthopaedic management of early stage osteonecrosis (ON) of the femoral head is aimed at delaying or preventing collapse of structurally weakened regions of repairing dead bone. The advent...

Contact Problems in Cell Adhesion
Adhesion of biological cells plays an important role in many physiological processes. For instance, the adhesion of killer T-lymphocyte to its target cell is an essential step in cytolysis,...

Computational Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling and Performance Analysis
The availability of supercomputers in the 80's has brought about a revolution in the analysis and design of complex structures. Parallel with this, computers have played a...

Engineering Applications of the Analysis of a Spherical Shell
In a companion paper, a set of two integral equations have been established for a spherical shell under axisymmetric loads. This set of equations may be solved numerically by using Nystrom...

Chaotic Analysis of Dynamic Bifurcation of Viscoelastic Shallow Arches
Periodic and chaotic motions in a mathematical model of an imperfect, viscoelastic shallow arch under a dynamic sinusoidal load for both the symmetric and the coupled unsymmetric responses...

Cumulants of the Nonlinear Combination of Independent Random Variables
A random variable of interest is often the sum of linear or nonlinear combinations of many independent random variables. In calculating the statistics of this random sum, advantages of...

Response of Nonclassically Damped MDOF Systems to Nonstationary Random Excitation
A procedure for calculating the dynamic response of a nonclassically damped multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system to nonstationary non-white vector-valued random excitation is developed...

Response Triscpectrum for a Yielding Structure
Simulation is used to obtain information about non-Gaussian aspects of the absolute response acceleration of a bilinear hysteretic oscillator with an excitation which is Gaussian white...





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