Verification of NESSUS Code on Space Propulsion Components
Application of probabilistic finite element method to the structural analysis of typical space propulsion components such as turbine blades and high pressure ducts is reported. The study...

Industrial Strength 3-D
Williams assesses the benefits of using three-dimensional computer modeling in the design of industrial structures, comparing the reality in which the computer is a useful tool for engineers...

Small Project Management
Effective management of the small project must guard against overmanagement. Quick, accurate project tracking is required since small projects normally have short schedules, and adjustments...

Advances in Pipeline Materials and Design in Europe and North America
This paper presents an overview of various developments in materials technology and design procedures in the Western Hemisphere over the last 20 years. Some projections for anticipated...

Column Separation in Pumped Pipelines
Pressure transients are common occurrences in water supply systems. Pipeline standards and design/testing techniques will normally provide sufficient protection for transmission and distribution...

Pipeline Leak Detection and Location
A real time pipeline leak detection and location system has been developed. This system consists of a numerical model for transient flow, two sets of pressure and flow measurement equipment,...

Designing Vitrified Clay Pipe Systems with EASE
NCPI has developed a computerized trench load design program which provides a broad and complete spectrum of design options which will enable engineers and contractors to safely design...

Optimal Design of Water Transmission Mains
Capital cost for constructing a water transmission main includes cost of the pipeline and its associated installation costs. Also included in the capital cost is the cost of a pump station....

Rock Mechanics Aspects of the ESF Design
Selected aspects of the ESF rock mechanics design are outlined with emphasis placed on specific requirements imposed on the design process conducted within quality assurance-controlled...

Simulation of Reactive Chemical Transport in a Varying Thermal Field with Reaction-Flow Coupling
A computer program, THCVP, simulates coupling between advective/diffusive solute transport and chemical reactions, coupling of the reactions to heat transport, and feedback from precipitation/dissolution...

Simulation of Radionuclide Retardation at Yucca Mountain Using a Stochastic Mineralogical/Geochemical Model
This paper presents preliminary transport calculations for radionuclide movement at Yucca Mountain using preliminary data for retardation parameter distributions based on mineral distributions....

Optimal Route Selection for High Level Nuclear Waste Transport Based Upon Radiological Risk
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate route optimization based directly upon the minimization of radiological risk as computed from local conditions. An operational impact analysis...

Evaluation of Near-Field Thermal Environmental Conditions for a Spent Fuel Repository in Tuff
A repository heat transfer analysis is being performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL)a for the U.S. Department of Energy's...

Three-Dimensional Plume Dynamics in the Vadose Zone: PORFLO-3 Modeling of a Defense Waste Leak at Hanford
In 1973, approximately 450 m3 of liquid containing radioactive and chemical wastes leaked from the 241-T-106 single-shell tank into the vadose zone...

Geochemical Modeling: An Integrated Approach to Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues
To meet nuclear waste repository licensing requirements, the response of repository components and of the enclosing host rocks and fluids to temperature fluctuations, fluid flow, radionuclide...

Simulation Modeling of Subsurface Development
This paper discusses the use of simulation modeling in analyzing subsurface development activities and estimating associated costs at the Yucca Mountain candidate repository site. Described...

Near-Field Modelling for the Safety Assessment of French High-Level Waste Repositories
In assessing the safety of a French high-level waste repository, the fluxes of radionuclides released by the near-field into the geosphere are modelled by the CONDIMENT source code. This...

Evaluation of the Canadian HLW Disposal Program?Performance Assessment Aspects
The inception and development of the Canadian HLW disposal program are described, showing its basis in the multi-barrier system concept and noting the mechanisms in place for its evaluation...

Trends in Waste Management Program Costs: An Evolution of Estimating Methods and Results
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of how the program cost projections contained in the five TSLCC analyses performed to-date and the estimating methods used to make these...

Application of Geophysical Methods for Fracture Characterization
One of the most crucial needs in the design and implementation of an underground waste isolation facility is a reliable method for the detection and characterization of fractures in zones...





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