Field Experiences in Improving Water Quality Downstream From Dams
Recent experiences by the Tennessee Valley Authority in improving water quality and fish habitat downstream from dams are presented. At Douglas Dam, floating pumps near the surface of...

Reservoir Releases Improvements?Requiem for Integrating Pollution Control and Resource Management Programs?
To better define the interrelationships between economic growth and development, pollution control, and water resource management, TVA conducted two studies that examined how reservoir...

Downramping to Minimize Stranding of Salmonid Fry
The objective of this study was to develop a downramping regime for the Jackson Hydroelectric Project on the Sultan River in Washington that minimizes the stranding of juvenile salmon...

Hydropower Simulation: An Overview
Numerous models have been developed for production costing and generation system expansion which include operation of hydropower in the system. These models rely on energy production and...

Power System Study to Determine Hydro Benefits
This paper discusses evaluation methodologies used by Stone & Webster to determine the power benefits for six potential hydropower projects at existing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...

Reliable Operation of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems
The demonstrated model allows planners to account for both operating and shortage costs, subject to a constraint on the system failure rate. In addition, the optimal long-term operation...

Pumped Storage and Power System Operations
The 2100 megawatt Bath County pumped storage power station began commercial operation in December 1985 as a jointly-owned project of Virginia Electric and Power Company (Virginia Power)...

Operational Flexibility?A Precious Commodity
This discussion is about Operational Flexibility, as it applies to the generating resources of a large electricity system. The author discusses the situation at Ontario Hydro, operationally...

A Short-Term Hydro Scheduler for Hydro-Thermal Power Systems
This paper presents HYDSIM (Hydro-electric Simulation), a new versatile computer model developed to simulate the hourly or daily operation of a large network of multi-purpose reservoirs...

Real Time Hydropower Scheduling for Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (NMPC) presently manually schedules their hydro system of 660 MW (80 stations in ten river basins). The scheduling procedures are labor intensive and relatively...

Hydropower Development of China's Yangtze River
The Yangtze has eight times the hydro potential of the Columbia River basin, currently the largest developed hydro system in the world. In order to pursue economic development through...

Rain Data Telemetry for Operation of a Hydro-Reservoir
The Collywobbles hydro-electric station operates 42MW with very little river storage. Raindata is collected from 11 gauges distributed in the 5000 km**2 catchment and telemetered to a...

Computer-Aided Operation of a Hydropower System
This paper outlines the development of a computer model which optimizes the operation of a regulated river system given certain constraints using an adaptive deterministic linear programming...

Hydrologic Dispatch Model for a Hydropower System
A hydrologic dispatch model was developed for an 11 plant, six reservoir hydroelectric system. The model incorporates load forecasting, system dispatching strategy, and database management...

Hydrologic Design Methodologies for Small-Scale Hydro at Ungauged Sites
IMP is a microcomputer package for evaluating small-scale hydroelectric power sites in British Columbia. With IMP it should be possible for an experienced hydroelectric engineer to make...

Estimating Streamflow Characteristics for Micro-hydro Sites in Northwestern Oregon
Assessing hydropower potential requires knowledge of the streamflow characteristics at prospective sites. Gaging stations are often unavailable. A method for estimating streamflow characteristics...

DURAPLOT: A Flexible Approach to Hydropower Site Optimization
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division Office has over the past six years performed reconnaissance and feasibility level hydropower studies at a variety of sites throughout...

The Use of Time Series Analysis to Estimate Flow Duration Curves to Assess Energy Potential for Low Head Hydro Redevelopment
The proposed hydroelectric site location has a low head potential making discharge the primary energy production component. A flow duration curve (FDC) study was commenced to generate...

The Role of Headwater Benefits in Hydropower Planning
Headwater benefits are the power benefits that accure to owners of downstream hydroelectric plants as a result of the operation of headwater improvements. The retention of water in upstream...

The Effect of Sedimentation on Hydro-Developments
This paper will discuss two major impacts which are the hydro construction on natural stream sedimentation and the sedimentation related problems during hydro operation. The two types...





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