Energy Dissipation for a RCC Stepped Spillway
A two-dimensional physical model study was used to quantify the kinetic energy dissipation of the steps in a roller compacted concrete (RCC) stepped spillway. The steps were effective...

Force and Pressure Measurements in Spillway Plunge Pools
Plunge pools are often used to dissipate energy from high head spillways with flip bucket terminal structures. Conventional design of plunge pools has been based on a program of mobile...

Verification of a Three-Dimensional Model of Delaware Bay
A three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model of Delaware Bay is being developed to assess the impact of deepening the navigation channel from near the mouth of Delaware Bay to the...

Use of FESWMS-2DH for the Attaway Road Bridge Repair Project
The paper presents the application of the Finite Element Surface Modeling System: Two Dimensional Flow in a Horizontal Plane (FESEMS-2DH) computer program in the Attaway road bridge repair...

A Wind Driven Lake Circulation Finite Element Model for the Upper St. Marys River
The hydrodynamics of the Upper St. Marys River is simulated by a three dimensional steady state finite element model. The rigid lid and hydrostatic pressure assumptions are used in the...

One- and Two-Dimensional Analysis of Flow in Hotophia Creek, MS
A numerical experiment on the influence of a sand bar encroachment on the stream flow pattern is reported. The results of a two-dimensional analysis were compared with results of an equivalent...

A Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Flow and Salt Transport in the C&D Canal
Two seasonal-scale, three-dimensional hydrodynamic models with salt transport using CH3D-WES were constructed to represent the most critical periods of environmental concern: fishery spawning...

Steep Constructed Stream Channels and Chutes
Research and technology transfer needs are described for steep stream channels and chutes. Iterative processes are presented for design and construction of bouldery channels and chutes...

Design of Manning's-Rougness-Coefficient Study in New York State
Field-collected hydraulic data can be used to compute roughness coefficients for channels with different hydraulic characteristics. Suggested criteria for the design of a roughness-coefficient...

Evaluating Flow Resistance Using Height of Roughness Protrusions
On the basis of field measurements on the Sumava mountain rivers heights of roughness protrusions have been used for calculation of flow resistance. The result resistance equations, compared...

Bed Load Roughness in Supercritical Flow
A supercritical concrete channel has been proposed for Mission Creek located in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed channel could transport gravels and cobbles as bed load during...

A Study on Mathematical Model for Sediment Yield in Mountain Regions with Large Hillside Slopes
Based on the characteristics of water and soil loss in mountain region with large hillside slopes in southwest of China, the equations of runoff formation and sediment yield are obtained....

Analysis of Levee Design in a Mountain River Using Two-Dimensional Flow Modeling
The South Branch of the Potomac River experienced extreme flooding in November 1985. A flood with an estimated return period of 400 years caused $33 million in damage in Petersburg, West...

On Habitat Simulation in Mountain Rivers
Mountain rivers are quite different from other rivers and one of the characteristics that distinguish them from others is the large variation in velocities with time, with location in...

Relation Between Largest Known Flood Discharge and Elevation in Montana
Previous studies relating unit discharge to elevation indicated that large floods in the Rocky Mountains may be limited by elevation. However, high-elevation data are sparse in Montana...

Historic-Flood Evaluation and Research Needs in Mountainous Areas
An evaluation of historic flood estimates in mountainous areas in Colorado was made to assess their accuracy. The purpose of this evaluation is to enhance awareness of the need to assess...

Numerical Model Verification on Tidal Current in Tokyo Bay
Results of a research project to verify the Multiple Level Model for a tidal current analysis in Tokyo Bay are presented in this paper. This study is a part of the subject for the Task...

San Francisco Bay Test Case for 3-D Model Verification
This paper describes a field test case for 3-D hydrodynamic model verification using data from Carquinez Strait in San Francisco Bay, California. It will be disseminated by the ASCE Computational...

Ambrose, R. B.
Numerous three-dimensional hydrodynamic models have been developed in the last two decades. The developers of each model have used their own methods to verify the codes before applying...

PSF-PM Verification of 3D Free Surface Flow Models
This paper reports an application of the Prescribed Solution Forcing (PSF) and Physical Modeling (PM) to the development of a systematic procedure for the verification of three-dimensional...





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