High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1994
The proceedings of the fifth International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on May 22-26, 1994, Las Vegas, Nevada, continues a concerted effort to transfer technology...

Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment
This proceedings, Critical Issues in Water and Wastewater, contains short versions of most of the 114 papers presented at the 1994 Specialty...

Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Areas
This proceedings, Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Area, contains papers presented at the Specialty conference co-sponsored...

Safety at the Site
The engineer should not be responsible for safety at the construction site. Most standard contract documents allocate this responsibility in construction means, methods and sequences to...

The Key is Constructability
Construction generally involves the collective efforts of owners, designers, contractors and suppliers. During the design phase, the engineer should be mindful of such critical elements...

Pregame Show
The 1996 Summer Olympics are still two years off, but Atlanta's painstaking preparation is in full swing. One key element is a carefully crafted construction program. The...

Planes, Trains and the Games
Olympics-related construction in Atlanta isn't limited to sports facilities. The city is also gearing up for the 1996 Summer Games by accomplishing some major transportation infrastructure...

Advances in Cement and Concrete
This proceedings, Advances in Cement and Concrete, consists of papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference held in Durham, New...

Chicago Automates Expressway Lanes
Chicago motorists will soon reclaim another rebuilt expressway in October with substantial completion of a $450 million, 7.5 mi portion of I90/94, the John F. Kennedy Expressway. The two...

Precepts of Project Management
Considering the importance of project management to the practice of consulting engineering and the fact that most engineers are expected to be able to manage projects at some point in...

Managing Traffic With Real-Time Transponders
The same technology that automatically bills a driver rolling through a toll gate can be extended to provide automated electronic information required by operators of Intelligent Vehicle...

The Engineer As Preservationist
Engineers in the U.S. have been involved in historic preservation at least since 1966, the year ASCE's Committee on the History and Heritage of Civil Engineering designated...

America's Pavements: World's Longest Bathtubs
Pavements are the most unusual structures designed by civil engineers. Water flows through their tops, bottoms and sides but because pavements are relatively flat, flows out again very...

Excellent communication skills required for Engineering Managers
Todd Shimoda, in his book ?excellent communication skills required for Engineering Managers, illustrates the communication process and presents...

Environmental Campus for EPA
Green design, fiscal responsibility and a new Corps of Engineers value engineering program come together in EPA's $240 million new central research campus to be built in North...

Offshore Rescue
Restoration of wastewater ocean outfalls can be difficult, dangerous and environmentally challenging. Two recent projects, however, serve as examples of innovative outfall rehab. The first...

Constructing Around Contamination
When soil and ground water contamination are found at a construction site, completing the project on time and within budget is always a challenge. Typical problems include constraints...

ISTEA Enhances Transportation
The aim of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 was to integrate communities with transportation programs. Engineering professionals now have the responsibility...

Escaping the Niche
In today's business climate of increasing competition and shrinking markets, your company must get the most out of its marketing energy and budget. Finding new clients is...

Soil-Cover Success
After seven years of operation and extensive vertical and lateral expansions, owners of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill, located in northern New Jersey's Meadowlands,...





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