Atlanta Airport Terminal Complex
The passenger terminal complex at Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport has a unique configuration, conceived to minimize the inter-plane transfer of passengers. The...

Luxury Hotel Features New York's First 8,000-psi Concrete
Designers of New York's $100-million Helmsley Palace Hotel realized significant economies by the use of high-strength concrete to replace structural steel and reduce column...

Building Rehabilitation: The Last Resort
Rehabilitation of buildings often seems initially cheaper than new construction, but the hidden costs of renovation are making many builders prefer new structures. The advantages of new...

A Probability-Based Load Criterion for Structural Design
Load factors and load combinations are explored which are compatible with the loads in the proposed 1981 revision of American National Standard A58 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings...

Now Underway: In-depth Probe of Key Factors Construction Productivity
A New York based industry group is now in the process of doing an in-depth study of key problems facing the American construction industry�and what can be done to alleviate these problems....

Expanding Your Microcomputer's Power
Microcomputers are becoming more versatile and dependable with each new generation of computer hardware and software. There are times, however, when the computational power of a microcomputer...

NYC Convention Highlights - Part II
More highlights from ASCE's International Convention held in New York City this past May are presented. (See CE, 8/81 pp. 68-9, 74-5). Among the topics discussed are, the...

Value Engineering Cuts Highway Costs
The Oregon State Highway Department's experimental Value Engineering team examined over 40 highway projects in a search cost savings without sacrificing quality. While the...

Flood Consideration for Sanitary Structures
An approach is presented to determine the design basis flood for Sanitary Structures and means to protect them. Flood and flood frequency are defined. Principal classes of flood are evaluated...

Structural Failures
A relatively few, spectacular failures of new buildings have caught the public attention. Despite the publicity, the track record of structural designers is generally outstanding. Nevertheless,...

Guide to Right-of-Way Survey Practices
Guidelines are described for right of way surveys with regard to properly executed research, field surveys, monumentation, platting and recording of plats, and descriptions by trained...

Long Span Roof Structures
The papers included in these proceedings treat a wide range of technical topics related to long span roof structures including new structural concepts, structural stability, the effects...

Seismic Performance of Low Rise Buildings
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Papers and panel reports from a workshop on seismic performance of low rise buildings assess the state of the art, identify problem areas, and determine research needs associated with...

Construction of Power Generation Facilities
The impact of the present construction practice, codes, standards and regulations on the construction of power generation facilities is reviewed and examined in papers presented at the...

Planning and Environmental Criteria for Tall Buildings
The role of the tall building in the urban habitat and its interaction with urban systems is examined. It ranges over the full spectrum of engineering, architecture and social sciences....

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing
<p>Remote sensing techniques have come a long way since photographs were taken from hot air balloons in the 1850s. Now, the highly sophisticated field of remote sensing is providing...

Tall Building Criteria and Loading
Prepared by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat of ASCE. This report examines the loads to which tall buildings are subjected so that engineers...

Solar Energy for Heating Homes: How Practical�
There is a widespread belief that on-site solar energy for heating homes is still not a proven technology and that, in any event, it's much too expensive. The fact is that...

The Zero-Energy House: The Bold Low-Cost Breakthrough that may Revolutionize Housing
The world is in the early stages of a revolution in housing. About 200 houses have already been built in Canada that use under $125/yr for electric-resistance space heating�� even where...

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Pioneers in Conservation Approach
One way to save fuel costs in sewage treatment plants is to use methane gas produced during sludge digestion as fuel. Cleveland's Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant, however,...





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