Marina Flushing and Sedimentation
The paper discusses a one-dimensional circulation model for the marina. Tides are modeled as long waves and are assumed to be much longer than the marina. This circulation model is coupled...

Bugs and Carbon Make a PACT
At its Chambers Works in southern New Jersey, DuPont was ordered to sharply reduce the BOD load in the wastewater it discharged to the Delaware River. Out of this mandate came the PACT...

Physics-Based Modeling of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Impoundments
This book provides an overview of considerations that apply to modeling flow and transport in lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments using equations based on conservation principles. Specific...

Field Study of Specialized Bacteria for Nitrification
A full scale field study using specialized bacteria was conducted to determine its effectiveness in achieving nitrification while quantifying dosage rates. A side-by-side comparison of...

Predicting Radon Transport by Vegetation
Establishment of a vegetative cover on waste sites containing **2**2**6Ra (Radium) may provide conduits for transport of **2**2**2Rn (Radon) out of the waste into the above-ground environment...

Combustion Sources of Residential Air Pollution: An Overview
Combustion by-products are a major source of indoor air pollution and have been measured in homes at levels above typical outdoor concentrations, and at levels which approach or exceed...

Radium Removal from Groundwater Using Sorption to Filter Sand
The use of this novel process to remove sufficient radium from drinking water by filter sand has been demonstrated. A major potential advantage of this process is that a minimal capital...

Contaminated Well Field Study Case History: West Milford Township
The contaminated well field program initiated by the NJDEP has proven effective in enabling a rapid response to a wide variety of water supply and groundwater contamination problems as...

Design Considerations and Experiences with VOC Treatment Technologies
This paper presents a review of design considerations and experiences with packed column aeration for removal of volatile organic chemicals (VOC) from groundwater at various locations...

Ft. Lauderdale Wellfield Protection
Results of the study on groundwater contamination measurement and control are reported. The goal of this study was to ensure a safe and long-term supply of drinking water to the City of...

Testing of Permeable Materials for Retaining Contaminants in Subsurface Leachates
The use of a permeable, retentive treatment system could remove both organic and inorganic contaminants while still allowing flow. A testing procedure for determining the amounts of priority...

Design of Final Covers for Landfills
Final covers or caps are incorporated into a completed landfill to limit the amount of moisture percolation through waste materials. A properly designed final cover system provides the...

Evaluation of Landfill Leachate Recirculation
The effectiveness of leachate recycle as a leachate management technique has been evaluated at a landfill in central Pennsylvania where recirculation has been practiced for seven years....

Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Chillicothe, Ohio Landfill
A hydrogeologic investigation of a municipal waste landfill determined that the local surface and ground water are being polluted. Water quality monitoring and aerial photography were...

A Study of the Potential for Groundwater Contamination by Alcohol Blended Gasolines
This paper describes the increased solubility of gasoline-hydrocarbons in groundwater when alcohols are used as octane enhancement additives and the effects of 'gasohol versus...

Special Water Treatment in New Jersey
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) performed a study on 'special water treatment'. The main goal of the project was to assess in detail...

Removal of Phenol from a Brine Aquifer: 2 Years of Operation
The article describes a pilot plant project to biologically treat groundwater polluted with phenols. The treatment scheme was based on laboratory tests, technical and economic analysis....

Integration of EPA Guidelines Air Quality Models with Human Exposure/Risk Estimation Procedures
Techniques, based on dispersion models which are currently available, for performing population and maximum individual exposure and risk assessments due to ambient air emissions are described....

Removal of Trace Organics in MunicipalWastewater
This paper presents the results of three years of monitoring effluent quality from two treatment facilities for trace organic chemicals in Pima County, Arizona. Approximately thirty 24-hour...

Meeting Revised Drinking Water Regulations Using Conventional Treatment Methods
This paper discusses the removal efficiency of standard treatment processes for each of the four groups of contaminants. The evaluation of a process's capability to meet the...





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