A Correlation Study on the Spectrum Decomposition Method
The major elements of the Spectrum Decomposition Method (SDM) are reviewed together with its automated process for generation of in-equipment response spectra (IERS). The floor required...

Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Cylindrical Tank with a Flexible Baseplate
Analytically predicted coupled natural frequencies, response functions, and transient responses are compared with measured values for a partially filled cylindrical tank subject to excitation...

Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis of a Concrete Suppression Chamber of Mark I Containment System
Recent studies have demonstrated that the interaction between a structure and fluid can have a significant influence on the response of the overall system when subjected to certain dynamic...

A Pseudo Response Spectrum Method for Mark I Loads
A pseudo base motion response spectrum method is developed to uniquely evaluate the periodic condensation oscillation and chugging drag loads that may occur on submerged structures within...

Experimental Determination of Fluid-Coupling Coefficients in an Array of Hexagonal Prisms
The problem is related to the seismic analysis of fast breeder reactor cores, where the fluid trapped between the subassemblies is known to have a considerable influence on the core response....

Dynamic Stiffness of Pile Groups
A number of procedures have been proposed for the dynamic analysis of complete pile foundations including group effects. Most of these introduce some sort of approximation to reduce the...

Evapoconsolidation in Fine-grained Material
The increased difficulty of obtaining land needed for confined disposal of dredged material and phosphatic clays highlights the need to assess alternative disposal measures by accurately...

Turbidity Generated by a Model Cutterhead Dredge
The study of turbidity generation indicates that, in general, turbidity increases with an increase in the cutter speed and an increase in the cutter swing velocity. A silt curtain deployed...

Computer Models for Dredged Material Disposal Planning
Short term and long term planning for the disposal of dredged material can be significantly enhanced using state-of-the-art computer modeling. Computerized mathematical models can be constructed...

Sediment Resuspension from Dredging Activities
Dredges are a logical choice for removing contaminated sediments from our Nation's waterways. Historically, the dredging industry has emphasized increased production in an...

Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...

Buoyant Jet Solution with Synthetic Entrainment Function
A synthetic entrainment function is proposed for buoyant jets discharged at an arbitrary angle into otherwise quiescent ambient fluids. The entrainment function consists of two separate...

Flow Parameters of Fluid Mud
A set of small-scale, high-resolution velocity and stress sensors based on rugged metal-clad hot wires and epoxy-encapsulated hot films is to be evaluated for its performance characteristics...

Dynamic Reliability Models for Hydraulic Structures
In addition to the determination of capacity and layout of hydraulic structures under normal design, one other important but related task that faces engineers is the evaluation of reliability....

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Mechanics of Mudflows
A Bingham model is adopted to study the fluid mechanics of mudflows. Equations for predicting the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in an open channel are formulated and verified...

Boundary Element Analysis of Flow in Heterogenous Porous Media
The boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is an efficient numerical method which has been applied to a wide variety of engineering problems governed by a partial differential equation...

Higher-Order Methods for Transient Free-Surface Flows
One-dimensional transient free-surface flows in open channels are described by a set of quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations, called the Saint-Venant equations. Numerical...

Numerical Modeling of Flow in Hydropower Intakes
To reduce high mortality of downstream migrating juvenile salmon at hydraulic turbines, traveling screens are used to guide the juveniles into a bypass channel for safe passage. However,...

Hydraulic Analysis of Water Transmission Flowing Party Full
The hydraulic behavior of a transmission line that flows full along only part of its length is more difficult to analyze than a completely full line. Unsteady open-channel and closed-conduit...





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