Applying Sustainable Development
Experts hoping to lessen the harsh effects of development on Earth's ecosystem have turned to the concept of sustainable development. Engineers are finding old ways to put...

Quality Assurance for Hazardous-Waste Projects
An important aspect of an environmental Quality Assurance (QA) Program, as with any system designed to improve quality of performance, is the specification of objectives which, if met,...

Scoping the Monitoring Instrumentation to Meet Repository Design and Construction Needs
This paper discusses categories of instruments that are available and recommended for consideration to monitor the engineering performance and interactions of the geologic media, groundwater,...

A Natural Cleanup
For almost 30 years, nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons from used motor oil, diesel, gasoline and other automotive fluids had been released to an oil sum at a truck-maintenance facility...

Superfund: New Leadership, Old Problems
The often contentious Superfund program faces a Democratic administration�the first one since its inception�and reauthorization by a new congress, armed with a mandate to cut government...

MSA for VOC Removal
In what may be the first large-scale application of its type, mechanical surface aeration�usually used in wastewater treatment�is removing volatile organic compounds from potable ground...

Sampling Sediment on a Complex Site
The remedial design of a complex Superfund site hinged on a variety of sampling methods required by the site's diverse terrain. Cadmium, lead, cobalt and nickel are the culprits...

Fire Retardant Treated Wood
The paper explains how FRTW chemicals react with combustible gases. It describes the two types into which FRTW is divided. Misconceptions about FRTW are also addressed....

Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Single Point Moored Buoy Under Wave and Current Loadings
In this study, a single point moored spherical buoy under wave and current loadings is analyzed in the time domain considering time memory effects. Geometric nonlinearity of the mooring...

The Effect of Nonlinear Drag PSD on Fatigue of Compliant Offshore Structures
Structural fatigue damage induced by random ocean wave loading on a compliant type of offshore structure is considered. The nonlinear wave force is modeled by the Morison equation and...

Jatiluhur Dam: Problems and Rehabilitation
The Jatiluhur Dam in Indonesia, completed in 1965, is an innovative design consisting of rockfill embankment with a clay core and a vertical cylindrical Intake Spillway. Within the Intake...

Rock Structure in Relation to Concrete Dams on Granite
Granite is often considered to provide an excellent foundation for a concrete dam and a great many dams are thus founded on granitic rocks. Although granitic rocks lack the bedding of...

Prediction of Embankment Dam Breaching for Hazard Assessment
Downstream hazard assessments for dams require prediction of 1) whether a breach could form, and 2) the hydraulic characteristics of the breach for use in calculations of discharge and...

Design Considerations for Raising Existing Dams for Increased Storage
While a number of new dams have been constructed in the United States and other countries in recent years, much of the construction activity related to dams has involved the raising of...

Rehabilitation of Crescent and Vischer Ferry Dams?Construction Techniques & Problem Solutions
This paper reviews some of the problems encountered during the rehabilitation of the Crescent & Vischer Ferry Dams and the techniques used to comply with strict water level regulations...

Development and Evaluation of Remediation Strategies by Deformation Analysis
Deformation analysis is providing guidance for the most efficient and economical seismic remedial treatments for Mormon Island Auxiliary and Sardis dams. The computer program TARA-3FL...

Michigan Dam Safety Inspection
This paper describes the new dam safety act which took affect in Michigan in 1990. This act provides for regular inspection of almost 900 dams in Michigan that meet the size and storage...

Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation
The Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation Project involves an enlarged embankment replacing a two-tiered reservoir system with a single, larger-volume reservoir and new appurtenances....

Rehabilitation of Plane Nine Dam
Plane Nine Dam, an earthen water supply dam near Altoona, Pennsylvania, was constructed in 1907. The dam performed satisfactorily for more than 80 years but it deteriorated with time and...

Remedial Works at Troneras and Miraflores Dams in Colombia
The 38 m high Troneras and the 55 m high Miraflores earth dams were built in the period 1959-1965. The dams are composed of residual soils and founded on a deep residual overburden. Significant...





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