Refined Modeling to Estimate Sediment Discharge
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional turbulent flow over a train of identical dunes is obtained with the Algebraic Stress Model for closure. The effective tractive force acting on...

Lagrangian Modeling of a Suspended-Sediment Pulse
The one-dimensional Lagrangian Transport Model (LTM) has been applied in a quasi two-dimensional manner to simulate the transport of a slug injection of microbeads in steady experimental...

Computing Contaminant Transport in Unsteady Riverflow
A numerical model capable of simulating transport and dispersion of mass in an unsteady, non-uniform flow field has been developed. Model results compare quite well with existing analytical...

Versatile Methodology for Flow Depth and Velocity Modeling in Stream Aquatic Habitat Assessment
The habitat assessment methodology developed by the IFG Instream Flow Group is a useful tool for evaluating instream flow needs. The methodology for basin flow modeling developed in this...

Non-Point Source Pollution: A Diffusional Model
An analytical model was developed to describe the process by which pore water from a saturated porous media is entrained in overland flow. Obtaining a better understanding of this process...

Red River Pilot Channel Design and Development
This paper presents the design parameters for two pilot channels constructed on the Red River. The factors often associated with the development of pilot channels are identified in an...

Real Time Modeling to Meet Flow Requirements at a Fossil Steam Plant
A real time modeling system has been developed to schedule hydropower operations in order to comply with discharge permit requirements at a downstream fossil steam plant. The modeling...

Roughness Coefficients of Large Floods
Most hydraulic calculations of flow in channels and overbank areas require an evaluation of flow resistance generally expressed as Manning's roughness coefficient, n. Literature...

Diversion Structure for Peak Flow Reduction
The flood control requirements of a planned development in the City of Orange, California were such that the peak discharges ranging from an annual flood up to 25-year return period be...

Factors Influencing Conveyance Efficiency
Losses from a water distribution system are inadequately defined by reference to only the gross conveyance efficiency (Ec) of the system. The various unavoidable and avoidable losses that...

Reservoirs Help On-Farm Operation and Automation
Reservoirs can be used to convert a less desirable set of flow rates and durations into a more desirable and flexible set of rates and durations. This will permit irrigation management...

Comparison of Surge and Continuous Flow Irrigation in California
With the closure of the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge to drainwater disposal and the pending limits on tailwater flows to the San Joaquin River, decreasing deep percolation is of...

Tailwater Management with Surge Irrigation
Field data of surge irrigation has shown that, in the post-advance stage, there exists an optimum post-advance cycle time. Cycle time greater than or less than the optimum post-advance...

Infiltration as a Dependent Variable in Modeling Furrow Irrigation
Most surface irrigation models assume that infiltration is independent of surface flow hydraulics. However, wetted perimeter has been shown to significantly affect infiltration in furrows....

Steady State Fluid Transport Model for Plants
Knowledge of water potentials throughout the xylem and phloem elements as well as in individual cells is fundamental for understanding effects of water and temperature stress on transport...

Estimation of Mean Water Depth for Border Irrigation
The mean water depth for border irrigation is derived, using dam-break simple wave solution and boundary layer theory, as a function of inflow discharge, bottom slope, bottom roughness,...

Evaluation of Basin-Furrow Irrigation Systems
The division of the total flow into basin-furrows is analyzed using both energy and momentum principles. A zero-inertia model is applied to simulate the advance phase using different infiltration...

Estimating Number and Duration of On-Times for Surge Irrigation
Research shows surge flow can achieve efficient and uniform irrigation on some soils. However, most available information focuses on computerized analysis and modeling for research purposes....

Investigation of Main Supply Canal and Lateral Fluctuations
The Imperial Irrigation District and the U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory of Phoenix, Arizona are conducting a joint project to study the causes and effects of water level fluctuations...

Rating Curves for Adjustable Tricklers
This paper presents the approach and results of evaluating adjustable drip/trickle emitters to obtain rating curves. The emitter discharge depends on both system pressure and emitter opening...





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