Integration of Water Rights and Salinity Considerations in Comprehensive River Basin Management
The TAMUWRAP Water Rights Analysis Package is a recently developed generalized reservoir/river system simulation model. Application of the model in a water supply reliability study of...

Description of the Application of Goal Programming for Selective Withdrawal Structure Operation
Thermal stratification in reservoirs results in variations of water quality with depth. Selective withdrawal structures with outlets at different vertical locations, can be used to provide...

Conservation Measures in Urban Storm Water Management
The management of storm water runoff has been given considerable attention by regulatory agencies and practicing engineers in recent years. The current state of-the-art of storm water...

Nakajima Subsurface Dam
A new water resource is generated by a subsurface dam. This paper presents the design, construction, and monitoring of a test subsurface dam in an alluvial valley of an island for both...

Public Involvement in Water Resources Management
Some thoughts on the use of public involvement, partnering, customer focus, and decision support systems in water management are presented....

Partnering in Environmental Restoration: The Coastal America Model
The Coastal America Partnership was initiated in 1993 with the underlying principal that collaborative efforts would be more successful than attempting individual agency solutions. To...

The Role of Partnering and Public Involvement in the Lackawanna River Corridor Greenway Study
Development of partnerships and active public involvement programs has, in the past, been de-emphasized for the more traditional Corps studies. However, as the Corps continues to progress...

Designing Under Uncertainty When We Can Reduce Uncertainty: When is Another Observation Worth the Cost?
A method is presented that optimizes the selection of sites for observation of an uncertain parameter when that parameter is used in the risk-based design of an engineered system. The...

Water Resource Modeling and Consensus Building
The steps undertaken to develop consensus with respect to analyzing a complex and competitive water resources/water rights situation through the development of a simulation model are described....

Recreating a Process: The West Georgia Regional Water Supply Plan
This paper describes the planning process used to develop a long-range water supply plan for a five-county area northwest of Atlanta, Georgia. Demand for water in the study area is projected...

Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems in Southern New Jersey
Southern New Jersey, which has relied solely on groundwater to satisfy its water supply needs, is depleting the primary source for that water. Symptoms of this depletion include declining...

Water Policy Change, Implications for Pyramid Lake
Pyramid Lake is part of and is surrounded by the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. The river system has been administered by a Federal water master serving the Federal court system with...

Understanding the Uses of History in Water Resources Planning and Management
Understanding how water resources decisions (technical, regulatory, structural, or managerial) have been made is necessary to provide the water industry with a perception of complex human...

Involving the Public to Reach Consensus in Water Resources Projects - An Interdisciplinary Perspective
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) is developing the Emergency Storage Project (ESP) to improve the reliability of the county's water supply in the event of an extreme emergency,...

Storm Water Pollution Control for Industry: Developing Effective Guidelines Through Public Involvement
A regionwide storm water pollution control program in the Santa Clara Valley, California, includes an active industrial source control component that is designed and implemented as a public...

Joint Optimization of Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring
We describe the challenge of devising optimization methods which optimize jointly the remediation and monitoring at a contaminated site. We refer to the dual control method as a promising...

Surface Water Withdrawal Permits Programs for Humid Regions
In humid regions of the U.S., where control of surface water withdrawal is traditionally under the riparian doctrine, there are few strong regulatory programs to restrict water use. In...

Development of an Intergovernmental Agreement For a Major Multi-Party Recharge Project in Central Arizona
The Salt River Project (SRP), a major power and water utility in the Phoenix area, and several municipalities recently completed the development of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA)...

Transbasin Diversions: Trends in State Legislation
Transbasin diversion legislation as enacted throughout the United States is reviewed. Commonalities are examined as are regional differences. Legislative trends are evaluated utilizing...

The Economic Cost of Stocking Catchable Rainbow Trout
States annually stock about 20 million pounds of catchable trout in public waters. Complete information on cost is essential to help wildlife agencies make operating and planning decisions....





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