Managing Water Supply and Demand with Integrated Computer Models
Water resource planning and management has greatly benefited from the use of computer modeling. Numerous computer models have been developed to predict expected outcomes given a set of...

Integration of an ARC/INFO GIS with HEC-1
A hypothetical watershed was constructed to test the efficacy of using an ARC/INFO Geographic Information System to provide input for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1 hydrologic...

A Decision Support System for Water Supply Costing
Accurate cost estimates for water supply system expansions are an important component of the planning process. A spreadsheet-based cost estimating model called SWFCOST was developed as...

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The advances in computer aided engineering has revolutionised many aspects of the engineering design in the last twenty years or so. During this time, design engineers have relied heavily...

Neurocomputing, an evolving discipline of science and technology which involves the study and use of nonlinear networks of parallel processing elements for certain classes of information...

Parallel Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Robots
To achieve real-time dynamic simulation of a robot manipulator on a vector/parallel machine, two types of parallelism are investigated. Techniques to enhance the vectorization of the dynamics...

An Efficient Parallel-Vector Equation Solver
An efficient parallel-vector equation solver is developed for supercomputers. The matrix is stored in a combined column and row orientation style which improves the vector performance...

Improved Finite Element Modeling with Q-MESH and PARA?LIB Parallel Processing
Distributed-memory multiprocessing, based on the Inmos transputer, provides orders-of-magnitude reductions in computing time at the lowest cost per MFLOPS. The PARA_LIB runtime library...

A Visualization Toolkit for Fluid Mechanics
The increasing complexity of both experimental and computational models in fluid mechanics requires innovative techniques for analysis and comprehension. Visual methods have been shown...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

A Substructuring Algorithm for Analysis and Optimization of Large Structures on Parallel Machines
An efficient substructuring algorithm is presented for analysis and optimization of frame structures on parallel machines. The underlying concept is to pre-process the input data in such...

Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Composite Ply Micromechanics
Artificial neural networks can provide improved computational efficiency relative to existing methods when algorithmic description of functional relationships is either totally unavailable...

COFDEX: Composite Floor Design Expert
A knowledge-based system, called COFDEX, is presented for integrated minimum cost or minimum weight design of composite floors in multistory buildings. Developed in the expert system programming...

A Neural Network Environment for Intelligent CAD
A framework is presented for development of an environment for creating intelligent systems for computer-aided design of structures by integrating neural network models of learning and...

h-p Adaptive Methods in CFD
This note summarizes recent progress in developing h-p adaptive finite element methods for the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. A brief review of the h-p strategies and...

Uses of the hp-Version of the Finite Element Method for Ensuring the Reliability of Engineering Data
There is a growing interest in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of engineering data computed by the finite element method. Various adaptive and feedback schemes, which involve the...

Dynamic Analysis of a Beam by the Stochastic Finite Element Method
The statistics on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of an uncertain structure are investigated. The uncertain structural properties are described by a continuous random process in...

Stochastic Response Analysis of Nonlinear Plane Trusses with Spatial Variability
This study considers responses of geometrically and materially nonlinear plane truss structures with spatially uncertain system parameters, subjected to random excitations. A stochastic...

Stochastic Finite Element-Based Reliability Analysis of Dynamically Loaded Frames
This paper presents the use of the Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) for reliability analysis of steel frames subjected to dynamic loading, in the context of modal superposition....

The Weighted Integral Method for Calculating the Stochastic Stiffness Matrix of Stochastic Systems
This paper introduces the 'weighted integral method' for calculating an exact expression of the stochastic stiffness matrix of a stochastic structure. Using this...





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