Lunar Base Requirements for Human Habitability
This paper presents some of the requirements for lunar surface habitation. Emphasis is placed on human factor and environment-behavior requirements that impact on habitability for medium-duration...

Applying Lessons from Extreme Environments to Solve Problems on Earth and in Space
Extreme environments on Earth and in space test human abilities to adapt, survive and undertake difficult and often dangerous tasks. Hardships and challenges posed by such environments...

The Challenge of Constraining Mass for Planetary Construction
This paper discusses the issue of minimizing the mass required to be delivered from earth for planetary construction. New machinery, methods and concepts are discussed....

Directions for Lunar Construction: A Derivation of Requirements from a Construction Scenario Analysis
This paper provides an initial trade-off study among several lunar construction options available to the Space Exploration Initiative. The relative time effectiveness of Extra-Vehicular...

Uses for Lunar Crawler Transporters
This article discusses state-of-the-art crawler transporters and expresses the need for additional research and development for lunar crawlers. The thrust of the paper illustrates how...

Construction of a Far-Term (2020+AD) Lunar Base
Several case studies have been performed which provide interesting insights into the design and operation of a lunar base. Yet few of these studies have addressed the specific steps which...

Construction Challenges on Planetary Surfaces
In July 1989 those who advocate a vigorous U.S. space program received a significant boost from the President's declaration that we should return to the Moon, this time to stay, and then...

The Application of Open System Architecture to Planetary Surface Systems
This paper investigates the issues that future planet surface activities must confront, defines the basic concepts that provide the basis for establishing an Open System Architecture,...

Lunar Resource Base
A lunar base that exploits local resources to enhance the productivity of a total SEI scenario is discussed. The goals were to emphasize lunar science and to land men on Mars in 2016 using...

In-situ Release of Solar Wind Gases from Lunar Soil
A concept is described which has the potential to perform the in-situ heating of the lunar regolith in order to release the solar wind gases. The poor thermal conductivity of the lunar...

Isotopic Separation of ?He/4He From Solar Wind Gases Evolved from the Lunar Regolith
The potential benefits of 3He when utilized in a nuclear fusion reactor to provide clean, safe electricity in the 21st century for the world's inhabitants...

Assessing Lunar Resources with Remote Sensing
Four strategic architectures have been identified as part of the U.S. Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) to achieve U.S. goals with respect to the Moon. One of these architectures, space...

A Modified Sulfate Process to Lunar Oxygen
A modified sulfate process which produces oxygen from iron oxide-bearing minerals in lunar soil is under development. Reaction rates of ilmenite in varying strength sulfuric acid have...

Evaluation of Processing Options for Lunar Oxygen Production
Recent work on space resource utilization has lead to the identification of certain modifications of previously proposed processes which can be properly characterized as 'second generation'...

Materials and Structures Synergistic with In-Space Materials Utilization
The objective of this paper is to clearly demonstrate the significant advances made in recent months toward actual hardware realizations of various concepts for the utilization of in-space...

The Feasibility of Processes for the Production of Oxygen on the Moon
Twenty different processes for the production of oxygen on the Moon have been proposed. An evaluation of their perceived feasibility is presented. The lunar liquid oxygen (LLOX) production...

The Affordable Space Platform: The STS External Tank
Future development of space requires establishing affordable work platforms in orbit. This paper surveys possible uses of the Space Transportation System's External Tank (ET) to provide...

Back to the Future: A Saturn V-Based Low Earth Orbital Transportation Node
The Space Exploration Initiative requires a heavy-lift launch vehicle to succeed. Reviving the Saturn V represents the best option for regaining heavy-lift. Utilizing the Saturn V's two-stage-to-orbit...

Impact Craters on Cosmic Dust: Do Damage to the Spacecraft
The discovery and study of impact crater on cosmic dust to understand the overall micrometeoroid environment and space engineering requirement are important. In this paper, we attempt...

On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Structures: A Mars Aerobrake Mock-up Study
As design requirements for space structures become larger in dimension, the issues of shipping and assembling these structures in space become more critical. One example of such a structure...





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