Advancement in Tidal Hydraulics
This paper will discuss advances in the field of tidal hydraulics since the inception of the ASCE Hydraulics Division 50 years ago. Activities of the Committees on Tidal Hydraulics of...

Surface Water Hydrology
A brief history is presented of activities in surface water hydrology by the Hydraulics Division since 1938. Included is an historical review of division activities in such areas as precipitation...

Contributions by the Hydraulics Division of ASCE to the Advancement of Ground-Water Hydrology
Papers related to ground-water hydrology published in Proceedings of the ASCE and in Hydraulics Division journals from 1938 through mid-1988 are briefly summarized. The areas covered are...

Research in ASCE's Hydraulics Division
Research in the Hydraulics Division of ASCE during the last 50 years has undergone changes in both technical content and procedures. Open channel flow, sediment transport and pipe flow...

Development of Hydraulic Structures
The Bureau of Reclamation was established in 1902. Since that time, Reclamation has constructed more than 220 dams. Each dam, depending on its function, has two or more principal hydraulic...

Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics
The Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics Monograph is the eighth in a series of monographs prepared by the ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering. The book is intended to...

American Experiments with Laminated and Multiple-Membered Arches
This chapter explores the history of laminated and multiple-membered arches in America....

The Colossus: An Historical Outline
This chapter outlines the development of the Colossus of Philadelphia....

The Colossus Superstructure
This chapter explores the structural elements of the Colossus....

Superstructure: Statics Discussion
This chapter briefly discusses the statics of the Colossus....

Summary Report on the Computer Analysis of the Colossus
This chapter briefly discusses the results of a computer analysis of the Colossus....

Wernwag's Design in Historical Perspective
This chapter examines the historical context for the design and construction of the Colossus....

Wind Bracing
This chapter discusses the structural design of the bridge with regards to wind forces....

The Abutments and the Structural Defect
This chapter discusses the bridge's abutments....

Water Jets Fight Silt
In the largest U.S. application to date, an array of hydraulic jets is being used to scour a ship berth at the Port of Grays Harbor on the coast of Washington. The system has been in place...

A Hard Look at Concrete
Concrete has been looked upon as something fixed and unchanging, a generic, nondescript mass, But it demands specific engineering attention. Because many existing concrete studies are...

A Seawall for Sea Mammals
With glass walls only 75 ft from Lake Michigan, an aquarium addition demanded solid seawall protection. Yes, in a strange twist of logic, the first step in creating a whale habitat for...

Setting Sights on Safety
Despite enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 20 years ago, annual construction fatalities still number in the thousands. Various agencies and institutions have their own...

Geosynthetic Shields For Dams
A series of large dams in Europe, waterproofed by geosynthetics, may become U.S. prototypes. In Europe, the faces of more than 30 large dams now contain geotextiles and geomembranes. In...

New Wharf Covers Trident Submarines
The U.S. Navy's newer fleet of Trident-class submarines requires upgraded support facilities. Work has continued on expanding the base at Kings Bay, Georgia. The explosive...





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