Social Components of Community Water Supply and Sanitation
The successful implementation of water supply and sanitation programs in developing countries depends not only on the provision of adequate funding and the selection of appropriate technologies...

Strategic Sanitation Planning
Conventional sewerage has generally been the only method considered for human waste and wastewater disposal in urban areas, both in developed and developing countries. In developing countries,...

Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems
By incorporating special environments for methane fermentation and photosynthetic oxygenation, advanced integrated ponding systems attain high degrees of primary and secondary treatment...

The Impact of Agricultural and Industrial Development on the Water Quality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Agricultural and Industrial development are having a serious negative impact upon the quality of water resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. The continuing demographic explosion...

Extent and Sources of Ground Water Contamination Now in the Nineties
In spite of man's tendency toward grandiose surface-water projects which resist natural forces, along with a political climate which spawns disincentives to conserve and economically...

Ground-Water Management and Aquifer Protection Plan
Just because a water quality problem is not known to exist at the present time does not mean that one may not appear tomorrow or at some other time in the future. Contingency plans should...

Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater
Treatment of groundwater contaminated by improper disposal practices of the past, routine agricultural chemical usage, accidents, and leaks is going to be of increasing importance. Prevention...

Governments' Role Relative to Public and Political Pressures
Groundwater quality is a major concern in the United States today. The body of law pertaining to the protection of groundwater quality is generally inadequate for the implementation of...

Long-Term Water Supply and Demand in Light of California's Population Growth
Californians will have to be more creative, more imaginative, and willing to investigate new methods of meeting people's water needs. Waste water reclamation and water conservation...

Water Management During California's Drought
California is suffering from a fourth consecutive year of drought, and 1990 is shaping up to be the most severe of the four. Water planning in California is usually based upon the experience...

Water Resources Development vs. Concern for Environmental Protection: Political and Judicial Responses to a Head-On Collision
There are numerous 'environmental laws' that water developers must comply with. These laws can and must be complied with. One response to such laws is to work...

Cooperation: Solving the California Water Problem
The water picture in California is changing rapidly. Water professionals, to say nothing of the public at large, are hard-pressed to keep up with new technical information and changing...

Regulatory Perspective on Ground Water Pollution Cleanup in the Santa Clara Valley
The Santa Clara Valley is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay and serves as the home of approximately 1.2 million people. Approximately 40% of the Valley's water...

Remediation Technologies in Use for Groundwater and Soil Contamination in the Santa Clara Valley
Silicon Valley is known as the origin and the heart of the high technology (Hitech) industry. However, tech-nologies used for soils and groundwater remediation in the valley are not necessarily...

Heavy Metals Sources and Waste Minimization for a POTW
This paper presents a summary of recent studies conducted to minimize heavy metals discharged to a South San Francisco Bay Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The studies identified...

Alternative Technologies for Waste Minimization
The recently enacted waste minimization legislation, SB 14 (Roberti) places an additional regulatory burden on manufacturers in the Bay Area. The requirement for waste minimization plans...

Projects That Point
This is only a small sampling of what we can expect inthis decade. An $80 million kiln at Port Arthur, Tex., reportedly the largest of its kind in the U.S., handles bulk solids and sludges....

The Quest for Quality
an Engineer's View on Responsibility and Liability
This proceedings is the product of the 1990 Triennial Conference which is a conference series held every three years, alternating on each side of the Atlantic, originally between the American...

Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management
Prepared by the Water Quality Technical Committee of the Irrigation and Drainage Division of ASCE. Agricultural Salinity Assessment...

Desktop Publishing for the Design Firm
Desktop publishing lets engineering firms put together reports with high-quality text and graphics in-house. Presentations and publications can be produced with greater flexibility at...





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