Comparison of Infiltration Equations Using Flooding Infiltrometer Data
Based on three flooding infiltrometer tests, 27 hydrographs produced by HEC-1 were used to compare peak discharge, time to peak, and storm runoff volume using three infiltration functions....

Evaluating an Autoregressive Model for Stream Flow Forecasting
Daily stream discharge generated by an Autoregressive Model is helpful in the design and risk assessment of temporary riverine construction projects. This case study uses actual daily...

Temporal and Spatial Variations of Suspended Sediment Concentration during Navigation Traffic in a Natural River
Suspended sediment samples were collected within the channel border area during barge-tow passage events at three cross-sectional locations on the Upper Mississippi River. Typical plots...

Sedimentation and Remediation Aspects of Recreation Lakes
Relatively higher rates of silting in Lake Shafer, Indiana during the past few years have been a matter of concern to its owners, operators, and users. Potential causes for observed increases...

Sediment Modeling in the Rio Grande Conveyance Channel
The Rio Grande Conveyance Channel and the Rio Grande Floodway convey water from the San Acacia diversion dam to Elephant Butte Reservoir. The Conveyance Channel was built in early 1950's...

Floating Cover Influence on Sediment Transport in Dune-Bed Channels
The results of laboratory flume experiments with a floating cover and a loose bed indicate that, relative to a free surface flow, the increased drag of a floating cover increases flow...

Sandbar Formation in Side-Diversion Channels
Prediction of sandbar formation in side-diversion channels is desirable in a wide range of river engineering problems. However, the mechanism by which they form is still not well understood...

A Watershed Model for Estimating Suspended Sediment Hydrographs
A mathematical model was developed to estimate soil detachment and transport and, consequently, suspended sediment hydrograph for single storms on a watershed basis. In this linear cascade...

A Better Description of Trap Efficiency for Fine Sediment in Horizontal Settling Basins
Settling basin removes sediment from intake water and enhance the benefit of diversion works. In order to economize construction land and cost as well as for agriculture fertilization...

An Improved Design of Excluding Sediment into River Intake Structures
The function of excluding sediment into river intake structures is usually achieved by the device of sluice ways. Although many sluice ways have been constructed and many formulas are...

Assessing Stormwater Impacts
The evaluation of stormwater effects to watershed ecosystems must adopt an integrated approach due to the inherent complexity of assessing such environments, arising from the vulnerability...

Modeling Hydrologic and Pollutant Transport Processes for Stromwater Runoff to Surface Waters
Combined sewer overflows and stormwater discharges, which are considered point sources, and certain nonpoint sources (NPSs) display the characteristics of precipitation-driven events....

General Urban Runoff Model for Water Quality Investigations
This paper presents and examines a general urban runoff model appropriate for water quality studies. The model is applied to separate runoff source areas and the outfall conditions are...

Coping with EPA's Transportation Storm Water Permit
EPA has released NPDES storm water monitoring data from group applicants. This paper will analyze the data to determine which pollutants are present in storm water runoff from transportation...

NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance at Air Force Installations
Recent changes to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program require that storm water discharges associated with industrial activity be regulated under the NPDES...

Combined Stormwater Drainage and Treatment
Due to continuing public concern regarding environmental protection for the nation's waterways, new and more stringent water quality control regulations have been developed. This is most...

Costs and Benefits of Meeting the San Francisco Bay Copper Objective by Regulating Small Treatment Plants
Metals in aquatic environments, even in very small amounts, are of concern because of potential toxicity to aquatic life forms. Copper is of particular concern in the San Francisco Bay...

Development of an Experimental Watershed for Testing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Runoff
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater regulation program prohibits non-storm water discharges into entering...

Non-Point Pollution Loadings and their Impacts on Tennessee Valley Reservoirs
This is a three-year study which began in March 1992. The project has focused on inflow streams entering storage projects including Douglas, Cherokee, South Holston, Watauga, Norris, Chatuge,...

Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction
The paper reports on the results of a study to determine the effectiveness of the best management practices (BMPs) for use in the Tampa Bay Watershed. The study aims to determine the efficiency,...





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